Let's try and lighten up the forums a little bit, shall we?
Tell us all the story of how your Guardian died! Their final moments..
What were they doing? What were they thinking?
So to get the ball rolling...
MY Guardian died after trying to get it on with that big ol' handsome Fallen, y'know, the one that jumped on the car?
Yeah.. needless to say it didn't end well.
TL;DR. Don't spank a fallen.
Edited by Jojomew: 8/9/2014 8:19:45 PMThey did a last assoult on a carrier of the fallen they break into its hangar but it was a trap they have 2 devil walkers and many vandals and 3 captains the few guardians attack the devil walkers first one of them died because of an rocket my guardian rans across the battlefield and melee 3-4 vandals the guardian next to him gets a head shot and fall to the floor...dead. My ran toward the devil walker again but suddenly he feels pain in its chest...He looks down and saw a big hole in its chest...He fellt on the floor too. The last thing he saw was a violett, amphibian shaped ship break throught the hull..the ge fellt unconsience.... I hoped you enjoyed it :D Pls be nice i'm not from amerika or england (i'm from germany) and i'm not soooo good and writing in english :D But i hope you understand most if the text :)