Let's try and lighten up the forums a little bit, shall we?
Tell us all the story of how your Guardian died! Their final moments..
What were they doing? What were they thinking?
So to get the ball rolling...
MY Guardian died after trying to get it on with that big ol' handsome Fallen, y'know, the one that jumped on the car?
Yeah.. needless to say it didn't end well.
TL;DR. Don't spank a fallen.
As part of the second wave of Guardians brought back by the Ghosts, The Awoken Titan known only as "Liberty" (In honor of the Golden Age America, as his armor was Red and White, while his skin was Blue), focused his considerable efforts on the exploration of Old Russia. He discovered many dead ghosts in the wilds, and was one of the few to make the underground run through the Hive Territory between the Industial Zone and the Grotto. Though he faced the dangers of the Earth again and again, it would be the Moon that proved to be his downfall. Surviving a flood of Hive and a hidden House of Fallen on the Moon, Liberty was exploring the Hellmouth when a distress signal went out. Three Guardians were being overrun by Hive deep inside the Mouth. Fighting through wave after wave of Acolytes, Thralls, and Knights, Liberty came upon the beleaguered defenders - A Warlock, a Hunter, and a Titan. Their light was faint, but they were alive. Firing his Butcher SA/3 Rocket launcher one final time, Liberty broke a hole through the Hive lines, opening a path to the exit. The three injured Guardians ran for their lives, but an Ogre engaged them, targeting the Warlock. Activating his Golden Gun, the Hunter shot three shots true to their mark, and killed the Ogre, but not before it fired it's beam fired at the Warlock. The Titan, however, leapt in front of the attack, sacrificing himself for his friend. As this was happening, Liberty was fighting to hold off the Horde of Hive soldiers advancing on the group. He had managed to catch up with them, and the entrance to the Hellmouth was just ahead of them, and they could see the light of the Sun starting to filter in. The Hunter was carrying the Dead Titan, his light completely faded. As they reached the surface, however, one final Ogre - one that was stronger than any other - Ran ahead of the pack. It was determined to tear them apart with it's bare hands. Liberty flew at him with his Fist of Havoc, but the Ogre caught Liberty's left arm in his hand, crushing the armor and the arm beneath it. Looking back, the Warlock started to throw a Nova Bomb, but hesitated. "DO IT!" Liberty roared. The Warlock threw the twisting, bubbling mass of Void energy at the Ogre, as Liberty channeled all of his light into his right fist, engaging the Fist of Havok. The Ogre, and the Horde behind him were burned to cinders in the blast. Unfortunately, so was Liberty. With nothing remaining of their savior, the remaining two guardians ran to their ships, returning to the Tower to bury their lost brother, and to honor the fallen Liberty. They carved this inscription on a wall in the shadow of the Last City's walls: "May the light of Liberty forever guide the last of Mankind."