Would like to know where you got you game from and why ? ( I do wish to add game I really do but the app will not let me add it sorry to the UK fans ) P.S I know best buy is spelled wrong but the app will not make me fix it , but I think that is what I'm call it from now on . Lol
EB Games lol
Lol at "best but"
Red Sparrow for the win!!!!!
Got my ghost edition from gamestop.
I got mine from Gamestop by me. I know the manager and she always lets me get my game first. I pay my game off and she lets me get it at 9pm pst right before they close the day before. I live in California. So I can go home and play it early.
Went digital for this one because: I want to predownload the entire thing before the servers go live. I don't want to go the store at midnight, come home and install it. I just want to be ready the moment the servers go on.
i feel sorry for you guys thst gave money to gamestop. that company ripsoff gamers like no one else. stop supporting them please!
I got mine from a guy named "Ice pick" behind the 7-11 in The Tower.
Gamestop just because i was there at the time of pre-ordering :P
Unless there's going to be digital midnight release I'm just going to pick it up at Wally World on the way home from work.
GAME, UK. >;[
Gamestop, gave me the highest trade in amount on Titanfail.
Amazon because i got it for 42$ with tax
Pre ordered through gamestop before they had any limited or ghost. They didn't have any left when I went to upgrade my pre order after finding out about it so had to go through Best Buy and got lucky I got a Limited Edition.
Where is game?
were is game you can't forget game man
Edited by Jarac Rassen: 8/10/2014 1:31:57 PMI don't see Best Buy on the list. But since I'm a part of the Gamer's Club Unlocked program I get 20% off of my Ghost Edition pre-order and a $10 gift certificate upon purchasing the game. So I can use that on the next game! Not to mention I'll have enough points built up by the time to get a $10 reward certificate to put on the Ghost Edition as well. Saving me some money.
Pre ordered from game (uk) and amazon both limited edition cancelled the game pre order a few weeks ago as expected amazon knocked £15 off so it's not really competitive price
PlayStation Store . DGE
I don't have mine yet. No time machine.
Why the moon of course!
It's pre ordered at a GameStop which is right beside where I work.
Best buy, but I didn't see it on your list...
I was expecting an option for the moon
No love for the UK homies , preordered from GAME