originally posted in:Devilwolf
There are some things that can be called borderline cheating, I use a scuf controller, it has many hardware miss on it but no rapid fire mods or anything like that. Things like this are just small advantages that really don't make a huge difference in the actual game.
I also had a scuf controller back when I had my 360. I did play a little better but it was mainly because it felt a lot better in my hands the way they designed it. They also threw in this lotion called gamers grip that made your hands not sweat, didn't even use it all really.....
Yeah, I really like mine for 360
Remember skill is still the main priority on gaming, I use a scuf, kontrol freeks, a surround sound headset, and I still can't play the FPS games very well, so don't call it cheating particularly, call it comfort/accessibility upgrades.[spoiler]I'm not talking about modded controllers or hacking lobbies, I'm talking about aftermarket products with upgrades to gameplay like I mentioned.[/spoiler]
I want a scuff one but they so expensive :'(
They are, I had I save up half and get the other half as a Christmas gift XD
Are they worth it or is the difference only a minor advantage? Oh and are they wired? (Xbox one)
It's worth it, the grip helps substantially, whether you get sweaty hands or not, trigger stops are personal preference but do know that they cause problems with some games (scuf one has a removable trigger stop system). The designs are amazing, that's mostly the reason I got mine. The paddles are great if you adapt too, you have very quick access to needed buttons. The controllers are very well made, and come with a warranty so it's definitely worth your money. It all comes down to what you want with it. Check out the sit and just explore, it's a little hard I navigate but you can find what you need. As far as a wired scuf one, I want able to find one, it's weird because I saw wired controllers displayed before,, but I don't see an option to get one, maybe you can find it where I can't. Check out the site if you want www.scufgaming.com
you admit to cheating, good work.
It isn't, look up www.scufgaming.com
Yea I know of the cheating gamepad. You people think because mlg kids say it's ok and not it isn't.
It's fine, explain where you are physically tampering with the games mechanics to give you a substantial advantage or immunity against your opponents if you are using a controller with exclusively hardware upgrades. Most of it isn't even game related. Grips, remolded shape, custom design, none of these have to do with gameplay performance. The paddles aren't macros for mods, they're just button that are already on the controller moved to a secondary location. The trigger stops are controversial, but they have no way of making you react faster than others, you still pull the trigger as far as you need to fire.
Desperate are we now?
Nah, you just set up a chance to reply and I took it.