Hello everyone, I'm the Community Coordinator over at SR. I have some fantastic new's for anyone that is still in search of a PS4 clan for Destiny.
Shadow Raven's is currently capped at 1,400 members right now. I'm happy to announce that we will be accepting a hundred more members before Destiny launches and settle after 1,500.
These 100 members will be picked in the coming weeks leading up to Destiny's launch. 50 members will be picked based on their PvP & PvE performance while the last 50 will be chosen by taking into account a variety of factors.
To have a chance to join all you need to do is apply to our main [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/99063]SR clan page[/url]. However, things such as liking this page(as well as any other SR thread), including a message in your join request, and be friendly and kind to other community members on the forum will all be taking into account when reviewing applications.
About:Journeying through destiny's vast galaxy across its expansive worlds can sometimes be lonesome, that's where we come in. Shadow Raven's is an established PS4 exclusive clan that is ready and willing to engage in all areas of destiny's universe. [b]Shadow Raven's defines the balance of a competitive hardcore clan ready to dominate the crucible as well as competitive raids, and laid back casual gamer's that are searching for an active community of guardians to call their brothers.[/b] Shadow Raven's aims to be a decade long clan, and is hoping to achieve legendary status among the Destiny Community, with your help we will dominate the galaxy.
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/99063]✯Shadow Ravens✯[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/66135516/0/0]★ Shadow Raven's Alliance ★[/url]
Applied, would love to have a super clan to back me up when exploring the frontier.