Why do you people continue to support Gamsstop, their figging Evil!
Yeah I pulled my pre order from them because they screwed me out of my limited edition. I'm never going back to them. They were trying to give everyone the digital edition, but we paid for the physical limited. I want everything that comes on the box. Plus no space on Xbone hard drive. They're evil.
[quote]Why do you people continue to support Gamsstop, their figging Evil![/quote] The lesser of 2 evils between them and Wal-Mart. t(o.ot)
hipster gamestop is evil post spotted!
[quote]hipster gamestop is evil post spotted![/quote] lol
I only buy new games from them. usually better pre-order bonus and they dont make a dime from it.
yes they are but i wanted the sparrow
You are pretty much guaranteed a midnight release. Best buy will probably have a midnight release depending on the number of preorders at the local store. I think once xbox gets prepay predown load up and running (which will happen in the next couple of months) gamestop will take a hit. I did Amazon myself because I will be out of town anyway that week. But if I was going to be around I would be hard pressed not to swing down to gamestop pick up a copy be home and in game by 12:30. Rather than pacing around cursing the poor UPS guy who may not even show up till 5PM.
5 pm is late bro
They give out pizza at midnight releases.
[quote]They give out pizza at midnight releases.[/quote] they do ??
Yep. At the GTA V midnight release they had raffles, pizza, prizes, all types of shit. For Destiny they're trying to get a DJ and some more raffles & prizes and pizza.
Edited by Jarac Rassen: 8/10/2014 3:47:18 PM[quote]Why do you people continue to support Gamsstop, their figging Evil![/quote] Probably because they are everywhere (pretty much killed competition), I buy from there. I go to Best Buy now, but if GameStop has a good promotion (like that trade for 50% credit of the Last of Us Remastered for your old copy of the Last of Us). Other than that, I buy from Best Buy. Their Gamer's Club Unlocked program is good. Plus, competition.
Gamer club