Ever since the beta I've been trying to get my fill on FPS (since I haven't FPSd since Black Ops 1) so I've been playing Battlefield 4
Now I know Battlefield 4 had a history with the bad servers and connections and junk (I think its fixed now) but other than that what was all the hate about?
I like how its chalk full of customizable and unlockables and it feels just satisfying getting ribbons and eventually medals. I was even tempted on getting Battlefield Premium but I figured it'd be a waste since I just arrived at the party and Destiny would be my #1 focus post September 9
It has its ups and downs. Unfortunately its been a lot of down for me lately. Laggy servers and poor hit detection even this long after the release... sometimes I can look passed it, but not for the last couple months. I loved BF all the way to 4. It was a hard pill to swallow. The fact that I had more fun in 4 days with the Destiny Beta than I did with BF4 since it's release is proof that DICE and it's flagship franchise is no longer meant for me.