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8/12/2014 7:18:31 PM

"Competitive" Multiplayer Trailer Discussion thread - NO NOOBS PLS

I want to see the key competitive features in pvp


I am a casual and enjoy the casual pvp


I am a noob and think its my best (and first) game


I am a veteran player and hated the casual pvp


I am not competitive I will only play story mode


The beta ruined me. Preorder cancelled


IDC just came here to troll/read the comments


[u][b]"Competitive" Multiplayer Trailer Discussion thread - No noobs pls[/b][/u] Okay so I find this unsettling. Very basic game modes. And missing KEY competitive features that ALL good FPS games have and should have. - No mention of ranked matches or an in game ranking system. - No hardcore mode (supers disabled, no radar, etc). - No custom games. - No local/LAN multiplayer for tournaments. YET THEY HAVE THE PURPLE BALLS TO CALL THIS [quote]COMPETITIVE[/quote]? Well Halo and CoD series say hi. The new multiplayer trailer for Halo 5 was amazing, especially the return to roots by disabling armor abilities and loadouts. And CoD is always the same, but with mech suits and lasers now? Hell yes. In comparison Destiny seems very limited and casual, a farcry of what we were promised from Bungie. What do you guys think? Do you care about pvp? Are you a competitive player? Will not having these key features affect your enjoyment, and possibly your decision to get Destiny?

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  • I'm an incredibly competitive player. I want to win every game I play, and I want to be the best player on the battlefield. But I seem to be different than most other 'competitive' players. I don't care about a ranking system. I don't need incentive to drive me to play harder and become a better player. That drive is in my heart and I don't give one turd about ranks, game types, or any of that stuff every other 'competitive' complains about. I couldn't care less if I had a number that influences the way you feel about me. There will always be another level to reach, a new skill to acquire- and I'm not talking about rpg elements, I'm talking about personal goals and milestones I set for myself. I know when I hit them, and I'll always be driven to meet the next one. Loved Destiny's PvP, I felt incredibly competitive playing. When I got beat, I didn't complain about matchmaking, gun and power balance, whatever- I respawned and got back to killing them. I know who I am, and don't need a number to tell you- I'll let my weapon do that. If you beat me, I'll work harder, change the way I approach a battle, and push myself to be better next time. Doesn't matter where balance is at, I'll put myself at the end that gives me an edge. If that balance changes, I'll change with it. I want to win. I want to be the best. Maybe I'll never get there- maybe that's what keeps me coming back to a game an continuing to improve. I don't know why everyone is always labeling a game as competitive or not, based on numbers and modes and stuff. The competition is in us, and the game is just what we use to express it, based on that game's rules.

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    • Edited by Godchild: 8/14/2014 6:01:42 AM
      We are all noobs, none of us made it to end game and we can barely tell anything from the newest video.

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    • If the new COD and Halo multiplayer game modes look better then Destiny, in your opinion, why don't you just do PvP on those and pve in Destiny. Leave Destiny the way it is. None of us have played the new game modes so how does anybody judge them based off a couple minute trailer?

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      • The most concerning part for me is that the most competitive gaming modes (Skirmish and Salvage) are 3-player Fireteam limits. Where is my Fireteam of 4-players to compete in Destiny. We have adopted to a core set of 4 players because that's the standard multiplayer size in almost every other game out there.

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      • Those damn noobs need to adept and be good

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        • two wrongs don't make a right dude. lol Tho they have the clan features tight. Halo 5 and COD are far from being good games. unless when you speak about comp your speaking for yourself. CLAN competitive play= team play. None is which stressed on those both games. Should have listed Rainbow six. Anyway I have yet to play the modes to how they work out. and I'm still interested in how salvage will play out. Iron banner was fun too. This game needs another game mode where clans can face clans. no loot gained from it. but now you have a arena for clans in crucible which would fit with lore.

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        • I am a veteran and enjoyed the PvP. And seeing the new gameplay trailer showed some new game types I'm highly interested in. There are a few point you make that are of concern to me, but overall, I'm pleased with how it's looking and can't wait to get out on the field.

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        • MLG != competitive. Entertaining competition comes in many forms; e-sports and folks who need to be continually measured to enjoy a game are a miniscule niche of the overall market. I'm all for the creation of special play lists for that niche, but no game should cater primarily to a tiny market segment, nor should it bear criticism for intelligent design rather than pandering to a minority, however vocal.

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        • How is it not competitive it's pvp your still playing against other players that's what competitive gaming is. It doesn't need your special game mode to be competitive it just needs players who want to kill eachother. Freaking MLg and whatever else stupid shit ruined competitive play.

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by TheRealNeenja: 8/12/2014 7:38:38 PM
            Your poll is shit. Where's the option for people who aren't new to PvP and actually enjoy what's available in Destiny?

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            4 Replies
            • Edited by brenon45: 8/13/2014 7:39:36 AM
              "Here at Globo Gym, we're better you, and we know it!" New Poll option: *I am a Veteran player, and I Hated Competitive PvP.*

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              • Edited by Super Hans: 8/13/2014 1:06:47 PM

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              • WTH would they want to make cookie-cutter copies of Halo and COD? Also, the hardcore mode you describe sounds more like easy-mode, for all those unable to cope with the full game. But they already have COD/Halo. Could we please stop trying to make every PvP game into COD DLC?

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              • Honestly these posts are getting retarded do you have any idea what competitive is? It's a person who wants to face off against another person and win. And I'm pretty sure that's how all pvp works regardless of game types. And as far as the whole "casual" thing there still being competitive regardless if they put in hours or not.

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              • These poll answers are awfully

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                • Obvious troll is obvious

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                  • Im a competitive player and destiny is anything but competitive. Just play it for fun bc the only way they can have custom matches are with private servers. Play destiny pvp for fun, gear, and bragging rights. If ur actually a "competitive" gamer u will be smart enough to know destiny will never be MLG

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                  • Edited by Auriventris: 8/13/2014 7:11:10 AM
                    I'm a bit of a mixed bag between competitive and casual, For me its about the fun while I play, but I want that fun to come from challenging and decent opponents of which never seemed to happen often in the Beta, it felt like I was playing Firefight in Halo reach, to linear and easy to get kills if you push your self just a little bit... so im also stuck in the middle of whether or not I like the current PVP. It's great fun but it feels to Noob friendly and there are close to no ways to do custom Modes and so on, like Snipers only or something, of which was heaps fun in Halo titles, So i do think that maybe a few additions to make the PVP a bit more open and challenging would go a long way to making it better.. Yet if it stays how it is, I'm sure I can adjust to it just fine

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                    • Edited by jasonisdaspartan: 8/13/2014 7:08:28 AM
                      I'm competitive, the iron banner seems like a more competitive aspect, as it comes down closer to launch, or throughout the week, they will answer more to ranking systems. And I understand the want for a no super game type, but supers are part of the game, I think their implementation and use will be very important when all the classes are being run in games. Lastly we have yet to see real gameplay on a few of the gametypes, all we have seen is a small description and snippets, as gamescon rolls on we should see more gameplay, which we can judge.

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                      • Im am a veteran player and enjoyed the casual PvP

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                        2 Replies
                        • I'm a PvE person all the way. I'm attracked to destiny because of it's role playing parts. Destiny suits me to a tea

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                          2 Replies
                          • Wow. These forums are getting more and more idiotic as time progresses. -.- [spoiler]I have played every HALO, most COD, most BF, and every GEARS, and I found the PvP on the destiny beta entertaining. The difference between me and U is that I can adapt to different PvP games and not bitch about not all games being the -blam!-ing same!!! [/spoiler]

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                            2 Replies
                            • Also, they only told us a hand full of different game modes that will be available in PVP. Not to mention the fact that they will probably add new modes in updates and DLC. Remember how they added swat to halo? Stuff like that. I'm almost curtain there will be a no radar/no super game mode somewhere in the mix. I'd love to see a mode somewhat like what they did with grifball for halo, just a fun twist on competitive games. Something just to loosen up with. What did you actually enjoy about Destiny? Just curious.

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                              • Depends on your definition of competitive good sir.

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                                • 0

                                  Aegis - old

                                  You do know that most noobs don't actually think that their noobs right.

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • Edited by wh1plash2: 8/13/2014 6:53:38 AM
                                    Troll thread

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