Which games have awesome cover art?
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The Borderlands games have cool cover art imo.
The best
Edited by addiecorps: 8/15/2014 7:30:44 PMThe alt cover
I really like Skyrim's alternate cover.
Greatest games ever right here
Gears of War
Edited by BannedLemön: 8/13/2014 6:46:27 PMEvery generic cover where the protagonist is in a generic walking or standing pose.
[b] [/b]
My Dark Souls II,Armored Edition had this cover.
I cry evertim
I haven't seen a particularly impressive cover art in many many years. Halo CE's art was fantastic I suppose.
The other, cooler side of bioshock infinite.
The original Final Fantasy 6 Japanese cover. [spoiler]http://www.nintendojo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/final-fantasy-vi-640x352.jpg[/spoiler]
Ok, this will separate the men from the boys. Quite literally (age wise).
Simple, good art work, and shows one of the most important parts of the game
Edited by Neckbeard Fedora: 8/14/2014 1:10:50 PMHalo 4 had a great cover, always loved that one. Kid Icarus Uprising, Fire Emblem: A and Monster Hunter 3 are nice too.
I really love the Halo Combat Evolved cover for its ability to incorporate familiar and alien concepts seamlessly. Also, I love the Doom 3 cover and how it begins intimidating the player before he or she even buys the game. Additionally, the ultimate spiderman special edition and jurassic park operation genesis games on ps2 has awesome covers!
Edited by peachez1107: 8/14/2014 4:43:40 AMFarcry3
Edited by SolidSnake: 8/14/2014 1:52:50 PMBoth of them were good . My copy had the cover on the right . Special Mentions [url=http://epicagames.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/deus-ex-human-revolution-poster.png]I liked how the glass showed characters and settings in this one although Megan looks like a retard in it[/url] [url=http://www.hkofferhouse.com/images/cover/ps3/Dark%20Souls%20-%20U.S%20Ver.%20(PS3)%20cover%20front%201.jpg]This one evokes a feeling of mystery and it looks cool anyways[/url] [url=http://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/25/24172/box.jpg]This one was interesting in the way they portrayed the villians[/url]
Dark souls 2
Gears of War 1.
Another cover I like very much, the game was meh, but nice music....
Fall into a world of mystery and adventure...
Jet Set Radio Future. Or one of the two Dark Souls.