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Clan Recruitment

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Edited by SpellSam: 8/3/2014 12:02:19 AM


[u][b]Find-A-Friend Part 2 here:[/b][/u] [u][b]Please post in part 2 this is full now no room for more names![/b][/u] [b]Post in part 2 which in linked above as i wont be using any posts here due to lack of time these days thanks to work!! [/b] [b] New layout to make it easier to navigate for all. Full credit goes to Duncan who actually put forward this idea, thank you![/b] Also another thread created by Jakk whos forming a console only beta version stop by and take a look! [u][b]Xbox One:[/b][/u] Hayabusam60 ~USA~ (all classes) Xd4rKAssAssinX0 ~USA~ (all classes) SPARTAN 465 ~USA~ (full game) (all classes) OnEdgeYeti ~USA~ (all classes) MiloOmega ~USA~ (all classes) Colt Odyssey ~USA~ (all classes) krusz ~USA~ (all classes) Twiztid KMK ~USA~ (all classes) Ktalker ~USA~ (all classes) LbN SneaK ~USA~ (all classes) Joe Limbachi ~USA~ (undecided on class) Simdog2strong ~USA~ DerpManGeoff ~Ireland~ (all classes) Cavindar ~UK~ (all classes) KOLOSKY ~UK~ (all classes) Mokylock ~Australia~ (all classes) S4INTLY21 ~Canada~ (all classes) [b]Hunter:[/b] [spoiler]Pretty Boy Ben ~UK~ PureTweakage(full game) BeardedTyrant Kaylski(maybe warlock) Royceinator AriesGodOfWar89 Braydzz TheRedoubtab1e ~USA~ LFN titus ~USA~ FOUR-EYES-JR~USA~ Sgnt Blackhawk ~USA~ Portesaur ~USA~ Royal Authority ~USA~ Space Cat ~USA~ Portesaur ~USA~ xXZero GhostXx ~USA~ Halcron ~USA~ mac man4444 ~USA~ Ronin Jaguar ~USA~ NightHawk251 ~USA~ l CIII l (L CIII L)~USA~ Ionic Blaze ~USA~ Th3 Gravy Train ~USA~ The Grifshot ~USA~ Fuwere102 ~USA~ Hellhound411962 ~USA~ Script wildshot ~USA~ Altered Ruin ~USA~ (alt, warlock main) VasT Prodigy II ~USA~ Shaidier ~USA~ Dreadnought 013 ~USA~ XxTphTheBrainxX ~USA~ Krippy T ~USA~ reaper you ~USA~ Superfreak V95 ~UK~ RadialRacer ~UK~ (full game maybe beta) Veinq ~Netherlands~ Chaminuka ~New Zealand~ Astral Landlord ~New Zealand~ xPuncher101x ~Australia~[/spoiler] [b]Warlock:[/b] [spoiler]SoldierofGod981 ~USA~ (full game) PureTweakage(full game-alt char-) FEARE0N Kaylski(maybe hunter) RancidX21 DefiantPlanet cackys(full game =beta on 360=) PUG GangstaCat EliteStriker144 ~USA~ UberJenkinz ~USA~ GamedayDisaster ~USA~ H4WKTHAK1LLA ~USA~ xGunkx ~USA~ theRedoubtab1e ~USA~ Foxlyy ~USA~ Shotgunbyrd ~USA~ IANNG ~USA~ Zer0left ~USA~ ZomBomb01 ~USA~ Cold Hold ~USA~ Dying Warden ~USA~ Picante Luke ~USA~ (maybe titan) OutsCORYng You ~USA~ Altered Ruin ~USA~ (main, hunter alt) Captain Kill009 ~USA~ ifarted69 ~USA~ MJOllie ~USA~ (also ps4) RoyalBoss ross ~UK~ THE R0YAL GING ~UK~ xXR4GExOpTicXx ~UK~ the devastor81 ~UK~ BeScurred ~Canada~[/spoiler] [b]Titan:[/b] [spoiler]Mad Monkey87 ~UK~ TrIx Revolution ~UK~ Thrusanth ~UK~ AgiTatedDRONE Lord Numenor SoA Misfit Rhint Celonius ~USA~ DefenderX Dow ~USA~ ObviouslyJeremy ~USA~ PorkyBLOODYFANG ~USA~ X NOViiCE ~USA~ xToXiiCxWAffLEx ~USA~ Thunder Tickle ~USA~ FENRIR ~USA~ Smokewutang69 ~USA~ Twiligh7 ~USA~ AgiTatedDRONE ~USA~ Jyxa ~USA~ King 0f The Sun ~USA~ Truth In Valor ~USA~ (full game, beta on 360) DrRileyJones ~USA~ Reezy 9 ~USA~ Picante Luke ~USA~ (or warlock) Razoron333 ~USA~ Bruskyy ~USA~ Script Snow ~USA~ Raging Sea Goat ~USA~ JackAce44 ~USA~ INSANE SHANE10 ~USA~ xB1ack0ut67 ~USA~ gallp13 ~Australia~ MasterCoeboose ~Australia~ Titanium Tactics ~Australia~ Winter1338 ~Canada~ CorrosiveDrop4 ~Netherlands~ (Full game only, beta on 360)[/spoiler] [u][b]Xbox 360:[/b][/u] SPARTAN 465 ~USA~ (beta only) KnaveOfDeath ~USA~ (all classes) n00bPwnerXD ~Sweden~ (all classes) [b]Hunter:[/b] [spoiler]XxSilentTitanxX xXd13patatoXx PureTweakage Jansen5 Acephali JP495 C0W GUY masterGuardian1 GrimReefersOD ~Canada~ Poison sucker ~Canada~ Gore DeathlyH3x ~USA~ versatilesquid0 ~USA~ Zsnackattack ~USA~ Dragonskooldx ~USA~ VillageInLeafs ~USA~ XplosiveSnow09 ~USA~ Elite x Tony28 ~USA~ Jrzodiac9o ~USA~ Ancients Own ~USA~ Destinedlegend7 ~USA~ IGN ~USA~ Our Endless War ~USA~ mdwil214 ~USA~ th3 arch of f8 ~USA~ DaNinjaUnicorn ~USA~ Meat Shop ~USA~ Wulfen Warrior ~USA~(maybe warlock) Jayultix25 ~USA~ AntiMoldStrain ~USA~ Generationsbest ~USA~ MarkF141 ~Ireland~ ghostblade72 ~UK~ (maybe warlock) eat2blecircle ~UK~[/spoiler] [b]Warlock:[/b] [spoiler]SoldierofGod981 PureTweakage HowlingGuardian cackys MarkF141 ~Ireland~ Spartan598888 ~USA~ SUPA HOT FIRE 8 ~USA~ NACHOVEZ ~USA~ Fudumper ~USA~ Andre6425 ~USA~ lzzrs go pew ~USA~ Straight Psyche ~USA~ OddBinkie ~USA~ Defiled Exhile ~USA~ Cold Hold ~USA~ OhSiix ~USA~ Skeletoes runr ~USA~ Wulfen Warrior ~USA~ (maybe hunter) DjKeith96 ~USA~ Dr Crayola ~USA~ MistyMinotaur75 ~USA~ ThaddeusPrime1 ~USA~ AwesomeTiger267 ~Canada~ Ethereal Her0 ~Canada~ N Drago 5000 ~Canada~ ghostblade72 ~UK~ (maybe hunter) M0j0Menace ~UK~ xXR4GExOpTicXx ~UK~ happyslenderman ~UK~ Carrotycrab8584 ~UK~ NOBLE HAWK 117 ~Australia~ [/spoiler] [b]Titan:[/b] [spoiler]PureTweakage CrimsonApolloZ PathlessDemon Sparta Fett ~USA~ Kingkazma453 ~USA~ Demonblade59 ~USA~ Dark Septagon ~USA~ AlphaMerc1 ~USA~ (xb1 for launch) SombreroFerret ~USA~ Silvergostrider ~USA~ Truth In Valor ~USA~ (beta only, full game on xb1) GruntPozzy769 ~USA~ Exported Tuba ~USA~ skoobydru ~USA~ Obey Lucker ~USA~ PathlessDemon ~USA~ DevonSE31 ~USA~ Awesome14evr ~USA~ Canadianmoose55 ~USA~ RedMoonRaven ~USA~ Razoron333 ~USA~ wolfpack sh ~USA~ sgtbigcabeza123 ~USA~ CEREBRILITH ~Tasmania~ (beta only,game on ps4) TheWretch777 ~Japan~ monkey EYE ~UK~ CorrosiveDrop4 Netherlands~ (beta only, full game on xb1) Titanium Tactics ~Australia~[/spoiler] [u][b]Ps4:[/b][/u] Dic76 ~Canada~ (all classes) BACnBAC ~USA~ (all classes) Tal-Kora ~USA~ (undecided on class) Simdog2strong ~USA~ (all classes) SmirkingSkull ~USA (all classes) Insertzweicoins ~USA~ (all classes) SirVive ~USA~ (all classes) Juke777 ~USA~ (all classes) WhoSaysLepe ~USA~ (all classes) SA_Kaliber ~USA~ (all classes)(hunter main) DivineMakai ~USA~ (all classes) cavindar ~UK~ (all classes) RicsterW ~Germany~ (all classes) [b]Hunter:[/b] [spoiler]DefiantPlanet(maybe warlock) CorvusGER Corneilius_86 problemgamerXD Grim559 (alt) ~USA~ Lowtan ~USA~ M_211 ~USA~ (full game. beta on ps3) Dark_Septagon ~USA~ DUSTLNTHEWIND ~USA~ SAMSNIPER187 ~USA~ Dewain21 ~USA~ Sorakai323 ~USA~ Ethan-IGN ~USA~ Air_Murphy ~USA~ mgoblue35 ~USA~ Ibewolf ~USA~ pi314pi ~USA~ XxWinterxWolfxX ~USA~ xTheWickedOne ~USA~ Jaelegend4 ~USA~ Arch-_-Angelos ~USA~ Frky_R_Hunta ~USA~ jack517 ~USA~ Blak_Rhino ~USA~ Alfradonerd ~USA~ (also titan) MrDandelion ~USA~ Fattsole26 ~USA~ evilfixx ~USA~ rgbartley ~USA~ davo ~USA~ Kross_Effects808 ~USA~ AeMz_ ~USA~ Reaperodi ~USA~ LUCKYLuziano ~USA~ PacoReyes11 ~USA~ TheHugeHoyt ~USA~ rubberchicken867 ~USA~ falconman71 ~USA~ WiseGuySanji ~USA~ (also warlock) MacHeisenBurger ~Ireland~ (maybe titan) SIVAN_H ~UK~ SHEPIVI ~UK~ robbos2007 ~UK~ paraffin-alien ~UK~ Benstarno1 ~UK~ M4V3R1CK_PR1M3 ~UK~ (beta from 21st,full game) faomywarthog ~Netherland~ ullgenser ~Norway~ PhNxbloodlust ~New Zealand~ Dimpfelmoser66 ~Germany~ (or Warlock)[/spoiler] [b]Warlock:[/b] [spoiler]sajboyo (may change on release) Bladephoenix King-Qt- Geo-Trancer ~UK~ Epic_Winning97 ~UK~ Bird_chris90 ~UK~ TheZealEffect ~USA~ The9VoltWarlock ~USA~ aerelm ~USA~ DRBEAMERMAN ~USA~ BolognaBaloney ~USA~ LecomingBegend ~USA~ angrygumball14 ~USA~ MajesticCuban123 ~USA~ TheMckloud ~USA~ BuckRogers508 ~USA~ TheOtherClone ~USA~ Stormriderzane ~USA~ Smile_B4_Death98 ~USA~ fistofsuns ~USA~ Dcrow27 ~USA~ Ardrann ~USA~ AxelFoleyJr ~USA~ (beta only for now) SuperMedz ~USA/Poland~ (also titan) Dman-27- ~USA~ KILL-la-Kyouko ~USA~ MrDrDolphin ~USA~ manuelito78965 ~USA~ MJOllie ~USA~ (also xb1) GekMaestro ~USA~ (also titan) WiseGuySanji ~USA~ (also hunter) WordDivision ~Puerto Rico~ Ashalor ~France~ THA_rofltard ~Australia~ (full game) s AYZY_88 ~Australia~ Baltazaar88 ~Canada~ bangurdead47 ~Canada~ benmenyo ~Canada~ BLACK_LEG_ZUBAIR ~Canada~ deamondarwf ~Norway~ Dimpfelmoser66 ~Germany~ (or Hunter) ThisGuy_Mario ~UK~[/spoiler] [b]Titan:[/b] [spoiler]Dredguno Bladephoenix PRIMORD1AL Antherax00 atremo ~Netherlands~ Grim559 (main) ~USA~ Tylerdude77 (full game) ~USA~ AssasinProdigy_ ~USA~ Lowtan ~USA~ ShinigamiRyan ~USA~ Boomslangg_ ~USA~ SlimJlm802 ~USA~ adonisv ~USA~ DemonicFox0 ~USA~ BlindLethality ~USA~ ChorrizoTapatio ~USA~ VictoryElement ~USA~ Mobiiuss ~USA~ Fox2314 ~USA~ dead_slayer_694 ~USA~ TylerFPS ~USA~ RedPhoenix_Agory ~USA~ Joshua2179 ~USA~ Hexahedron- ~USA~ Alfradonerd ~USA~ (also hunter) Carve45 ~USA~ SuperMedz ~USA/Poland~ (also warlock) GekMaestro ~USA~ (also warlock) tsymninor ~Tasmania~ (full game only) MacHeisenBurger ~Ireland~ (maybe hunter) ChaoticEarp ~Canada~ gambit082010 ~Canada~ DaBaylz03 ~South Africa~ Kustgalten ~Sweden~ ll-phillip-ll ~UK~ RH_SolJa ~UK~ xxSPHEREx8x ~UK~ Doraemon-senpai ~New Zealand~[/spoiler] [u][b]Ps3:[/b][/u] [b]Hunter:[/b] [spoiler]TheAntiroxas ~USA~ princekygo ~USA~ M_211 ~USA~ (beta only) J_Fortunate ~USA~ rapanation ~USA~ Airatome118 ~USA~ MrJoLush ~USA~ marauder72 ~Canada~ Red-leo60 ~UK~ sandro007345 ~Germany~ [/spoiler] [b]Warlock:[/b] [spoiler]GT-Dash ~USA~ GodofConquestXP ~USA~ OlenkoElossa ~USA~ Revelations520 ~USA~ BioSmiley ~USA~ CobraCommanderX ~USA~ DeadDogmaXD ~USA~ minijman7 ~USA~ LostEyes666 ~USA~ Drakem02 ~USA~ Leoimy ~USA~ Mnk050809 ~USA~ Frazier581 ~USA~ CobraCommanderX ~USA~ Sam12Ash ~USA~ INFINICORE ~Mexico~ Syphon15 ~Canada~ i-Loot ~Canada~ thatspacewizard ~Netherlands~ Eddie-Noir ~The Bahamas~ [/spoiler] [b]Titan:[/b] [spoiler]countryrebel75 Tylerdude77 (full game on ps4) ~USA~ BlessedSeraph ~USA~ Darkwing_dodo ~USA~ Young_Zsilent ~USA~ BLUBBERBURGLAR ~USA~ Mr_LeGeNdZcast ~USA~ elfuego27 ~USA~ boderlineBLR ~USA~ e-92 ~UK~ ildrils ~France~ Mum_78 ~Australia~[/spoiler]

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  • Seeking Xbox clan members We are guardians of the Order for dragons. We will rule the worlds of destiny one step at a time. We are a group of xbox gamers who play throughout the day. So no matter when you play you will have a firefight team,pvp team. One goal we have is to have 200 clan members by 9-9-14. Our main goal is to defeat the vault of glass before anyone else on both xbox systems. leader SORINMARKOV4 co leaders ShogunOfPeace, and Loganator97. rules must be 18+, unless 2 of the 3 leaders approve. You must have a working mic. Main reason for this is we will need to work as a group for raids,pvp,fireteams and for the vault of glass. You must speak English. See you on the battlefields of destiny!!!

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