I am SOOOOOO wanting to cry now.
This girl seriously prods buttock. I wish I was 1/10 as good. It's those golden gun kills...
Oh and I know for sure why I suck... I can't see red right, so the radar is useless to me.
[b]Edit: Changed title as it was misleading.[/b]
If you want to see if you are also suffering from colour blindness then you can take a quick online test.
What a babbling hole.... honestly if you didnt know any of that information from previous video game experience.... where have you been... that being said.. she rekt'd... is really good.. and so on... just unbearable to listen to... Now onto the point of the thread.... it is without any hesitation that i say they allow for a radar adjustment... few other things affected by this is when you are hit the screen rings in red....either blocking radar visually (might be intentional) and or for those with color blindness can cause confusion.... I'm not color blind but I have audio visual sensory issues... also known as Synesthetic or Synethesia ..... certain tones cause visual stimuli which can affect things... also seeing things in patterns.... so any differentiation will help me.... I've purchased Gunnar amber tinted glasses... it helps a lot by the way... with reds and warm colors when I play... also reducing headaches from other issues.. not an ad.. just an offer