[b]Awoken Guardian:[/b] "The Darkness cannot be stopped by the power of the Awoken. We do not have the strength to fight both The Fallen and The Hive!"
[b]Awoken Guardian:[/b] "Ghost, the Awoken cannot stay here."
[b]Ghost:[/b] "This peril belongs to all The Solar System. The Guardians must decide now how to end it.
It is your Destiny."
[b]Awoken Guardian: [/b]"The time of the Awoken is over — my people are leaving these planets. Who will you look to when we've gone? The Exo? They hide in The Tower seeking loot and glimmer — they care nothing for the troubles of others."
[b]Ghost:[/b] "It is in Humans that we must place our hope."
[b]Awoken Guardian: [/b]"Humans? Humans are weak."
[b]Awoken Guardian:[/b] "The race of Humans is failing. The power of The Traveler is all but spent, its pride and dignity forgotten. It is because of the weakness of Humans that now only The City survives. I was there, Ghost. I was there when The Darkness brought about The Collapse…"
[spoiler]If you have enjoyed this please consider viewing [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/11690/83193115/0/0/1]my post in the Writer's Corner[/url], where I now place all of my works.[/spoiler]
This as I read it sounds like a bad LoTR rip off....
exos are scum and should just be cleaning streets, the have no soul and are trash
Who wants to be a knockoff Captain Planet?
Aren't Awoken just mutated Humans?
Racist! #equalrightsforhumans #yesallhumans #SJWLandwhale #AwokenCisScum
Um woken are humans and the exo were built by humans. Caught between a Boulder and a hard place.
Meatbags suck lol
Dude did you not read any grimore? The awoken are actually the weak ones who ran and hid while the humans and exos fought and died. Awoken was consumed by guilt and darkness. Then saved by the light. Always the weak to call others weak. #titansrule #human
Never underestimate humans
If the Human race is failing and the least picked, I'll feel more unique for picking a lowly chosen race
"It is said the Awoken were born in the Collapse, [u]descended from those who tried to flee its wrath.[/u] Something happened to them out on the edge of the deep Black, and they were forever changed" Take from that what you will, I'll leave this right here.
Do you quote lord of the rings often?
So in fact you suck
You are a human dude
I see what you did there! 😀 Nice fellowship reference. Space elves? If there are space wizards, why not!
Edited by The White Foxx: 8/14/2014 11:13:02 AMGo to the reef then you piece if trash. Leave your ghost and don't let the space door hit your ass on the way out.
Whats the difference between a furry, a LARP'er & a RPG nerd? [spoiler]cuz I can't see it[/spoiler]
I'm fairly sure you owe Peter Jackson some money lol
Aren't Awoken humans but have been devoured by the light or something like that?