Anyone who has played Last of Us, or any other shooter on MP, knows how sad the PSN is compared to the xbox community in terms of shooters/communication. 15% of PSNers use a mic, hardly ever use any teamwork, and have terrible dueling skills. [b]It is not your (PSN) fault[/b], you haven't had the proper shooters to cultivate your shooting skills into an honest to God FPSer's paradise of ownage. The time has not been put in to develop the skills necessary for a proper shooter.
Who saw it in the beta? PSN players would do the dumbest things, jumping in the air like a clay pidgeon, and take the worst routes to an objective, while xboners would take you head on and duel you for control of the lane, and use their mics to coordinate an effort.
Xbox people have had many FPS games to cultivate their skills, while PSNers had what? I'm sorry to say this, but Xboxers know how to fight in a shooter. PSNers are but peasants compared to the true kings of the shooter.
Debate all you want, but the facts speak for themselves. Facts are: tournaments, competitive play, and MLG. Which system do they usually choose? Xbox.
Here's hoping Destiny transforms you into the shooters we need you to be. Welcome to the realm of FPSers.
I guess we should Thank God half of the Xbox360 community jumped ship to PS4 so they can train us in the ways of Halo ;)
(ಠ_ಠ) Wut iz dis alyen languge.
As much as i agree... I will have to call bullshit on the killzone being bad... A game doesnt get dubbed the halo killer without merit... But i love halo just as much
I have not had one issue in mp on psn. But if i do and ir continues, then i guess i will sell my ps4 and get an x1
I wanted to ask something that's kinda on/off topic. How many MLG or professional tournaments was on xbox and ps3? (yes I know pc players you got tournaments too) Most of the tournaments I see or hear of are on the xbox. That's one of the reasons I see why a lot of people play on the xbox. Also doesn't help M$ paid a lot for the games to only be on xbox or had exclusives. I understand it's business.
Debate all you want, but the facts speak for themselves.[/quote] Where are these facts you speak of......failtroll attempt
I think that's fair enough. I've always had a PS and FPS is like my least played game genre. On the other hand, PS players are likely to be better at PVE, raids, and end game loadouts than XB players. All that stuff is right up our alley.
I've noticed over the years that xbox live has more competitive players than psn. Doesn't really mean anything to me personally. That's just how it is. I will say this however. I can't aim for shit on the ps controllers. Maybe I just need practice, but my hands aren't made for those things.
What about people who have been on Xbox since 2001, then got a PS4 after Microsoft took a royal dump all over the Xbox One?
Edited by AidenRed123: 8/16/2014 1:36:49 AMI remember a while back I went to my friends house and played halo for the first time, I've always been good at shooter (battlefield, cod ect.) and after a few rusty games I got good and was doing better that him and other people on that team. I don't see how PSN players that are new to this type of game can't learn the game within a few hours like I did a be good as XBL players. All in saying is that both sides are equal, we have our good and bad players and no console group of player Will be better that the other.[spoiler]also lots of Xbox players moved to playstation.[/spoiler]
I was lvl 50 lone wolf and lvl 50 team deathmatch on Halo 3. Lvl 45 on Halo 2. I bought a PS4. Nuff said.
Sure xbox guys have only boring shooters to play with. They had to be good at that or they had nothing else to play. And I'm not going to care in the least since I'll stay away from PvP. I usually hate shooters on console and always hated PvP in any form. Only cooperative for me. This managed to make me do an exception about FPS hate on console but will not make me like PvP
And what's the point of this topic? Other than trying to be inflammatory. Anything positive meant to come out of this?
Dude. You make xbox people look bad. Stop. You are drawing crappy conclusions and trying to be all high and mighty. You are sounding like a PS fanboy that swapped the names.
Did you delete our epic battle of words on this post?
Edited by Star Lord: 8/16/2014 12:39:10 AMI'm actually totally excited for this. I've been on 360 since its launch and I just didn't find xbone appealing so I pre-ordered that PS4+Destiny bundle. I'd consider myself at least above average when it comes to shooters, so hopefully that means I'm gonna crush on PSN.
So you speak for all 10 million PSN users, go spew your shit elsewhere, if anything PSN is more balanced now and overall a better experience, mainly because a huge, huge portion of xbox users switched to 4, PS3 users obviously stuck with PS4, leading to a vast amount of different types of gamers now playing PS. Those my misinformed friend, are facts.
Lol I heard people that have both consoles have a higher kd using playstation. I always do better playing fps games on playstation because the players are worse
I like cake
Bait or not family watch your mouth in the first place when you speak about the ps community. The Last Of Us multiplayer takes a lot of skills. It a badass multiplayer. I would so love to bump heads with you in the crucible to show you a real shooter from the PSN. Lucky you I will be playing it on the PS4. i like how you use HALO as an example like okay we all know you had HALO for 10 years but it don't mean shit buddy. I never played HALO and I could guarantee I can get the hang of it in a few hours. Thats how skilled I am , its called dedication. It doesn't take one game to show how skilled you are Mr. all I played before is HALO and Im a beast. Pssssh please. Put me in any shooter and ill show you how an individual does it from the PSN family . Another HALO fan veteran who talks a lot of crap. You probably only played the HALO shooters and took you a while to become good at it and here you are bragging about your 10 year experience on HALO. You don't run the show here buddy. Who cares about you and your 5 years on the forums. You are just as equal as everyone. How about you talk with your controller when the game is out.
Ummm many psn players owned both consoles third gen. Sony's own research shows a majority owned 360 last time so I don't know how you drew your conclusion.
Edited by Souless Recon: 8/16/2014 12:15:17 AMBattlefield, COD, blacklight retribution,borderlands, socom, far cry, medal of honor all on Xbox and PlayStation. Not to mention many others just like these. Stupid players are everywhere Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo. You make yourself look stupid by trying to say that there is more stupidity in one group of gamers than the other, when we all know the stupidity spreads to every game at some point in time. And for that matter the is no (set in stone) specific way to play any game. Just because someone plays a different way than the rest doesn't mean that player is stupid. It just means they are playing the way they enjoy the most. Anyone who is trying to tell another player how to play a game, or says the way another gamer plays the game is stupid that only makes the accuser look pompous and idiotic. No gamer should be told how to play a game, because it is (say it with me now) a G... A... M... E. A form of entertainment meant to bring entertainment to the player weather or not the player goes the exact route given by the game. And furthermore destiny is at least 50-60% exploration so it's not always finding the most efficient way to do something or get somewhere but the things that are done through the trip.
The system ppl play on doesn't determine their skill level smh some please tell this guy to...
1v1 anytime you want.
LOL! The trolling of this post makes me giggle! :P