Anyone who has played Last of Us, or any other shooter on MP, knows how sad the PSN is compared to the xbox community in terms of shooters/communication. 15% of PSNers use a mic, hardly ever use any teamwork, and have terrible dueling skills. [b]It is not your (PSN) fault[/b], you haven't had the proper shooters to cultivate your shooting skills into an honest to God FPSer's paradise of ownage. The time has not been put in to develop the skills necessary for a proper shooter.
Who saw it in the beta? PSN players would do the dumbest things, jumping in the air like a clay pidgeon, and take the worst routes to an objective, while xboners would take you head on and duel you for control of the lane, and use their mics to coordinate an effort.
Xbox people have had many FPS games to cultivate their skills, while PSNers had what? I'm sorry to say this, but Xboxers know how to fight in a shooter. PSNers are but peasants compared to the true kings of the shooter.
Debate all you want, but the facts speak for themselves. Facts are: tournaments, competitive play, and MLG. Which system do they usually choose? Xbox.
Here's hoping Destiny transforms you into the shooters we need you to be. Welcome to the realm of FPSers.
LOL! The trolling of this post makes me giggle! :P
[quote]Anyone played Last of Us or any other shooter on MP knows how garbage the PSN is compared to the xbox community. It is not your (psn) fault, you haven't had enough proper shooters to cultivate your skills into an honest to God shooter's paradise of ownage. The time has not been put in to develop the skills necessary for a proper shooter. Who saw it in the beta? PSN players would do the dumbest things and take the stupidest routes to an objective, while xboners would take you head on and duel you for control of the lane. Xbox people have had Halo to cultivate their skills, while PSNers had what? Killzone? A laughable comparison. I'm sorry to say this, but xboners know how to fight in a shooter. PSNers are but toddlers compared to the true shooters. Debate all you want, but the facts speak for themselves.[/quote]you shut your hole I have played every single Halo and when I went to PSN I went beast mode . Hallelujah amen.
Edited by jtlen: 8/15/2014 11:37:51 PMIf you're good you're good as simple as that. Doesn't matter what console or what shooter you played. Edit: I know this might be impossible but how awesome would it be if they put the xbox and psn servers together so we could play against each other and which ever community wins gets a prize
Edited by ChrisM227: 8/16/2014 11:29:01 AMTimesplitters on the ps2; that's when I was cultivating my skills you tard. And there's been plenty of greats ever since on the playstation. HALO is great, but not the be all and end all.
Edited by Jet: 8/15/2014 11:31:48 PMElaborate 'proper shooters' and 'true shooters', you state at the end that "the facts speak for themselves"...I only see one fact in your post and that is when you mention that the Xbox has Halo. You use one game, The Last of Us (good game by the way) at the beginning then proceed to judge Playstation users based on that one game...why? Cultivating your skills in shooters or any game at that takes more than one game my friend. A good number of people just play casually to just have some fun whilst others play on much more professionally skilled level. The playstation community has its fair share of different levelled gamers and so does the xbox community.
Nice! Better kd for me!
Gr8st b8 ever m80
Edited by Thorsin, Unga Bunga Ape: 8/15/2014 11:37:41 PM1v1 me in Guncraft on PC ill show you who's the best...that's a game that takes true skill
Is that a joke? You think just cu of halo all xbox are better? Can't tell If you're trolling or not! My friend has both and found people worse on xbox... I took it with a grain of salt
4/10 I've seen better, even just today. Keep trying, perfect your craft. I'll be waiting.
Killzone is a brilliant tactical shooter
Edited by GalaxySpider: 8/15/2014 11:51:16 PMyeah, wait until you meet me :p Also games like Battlefield, Call of Duty and even Unreal Tournament 3 existed on PS3 as well.
Yes, anyone who didn't learn their FPS skills from Goldeneye on N64 is a noob. I agree.
Edited by TheBeezNeez81: 8/15/2014 11:59:00 PMOmg I lol'd so hard at this. You see, I played SOCOM. You know, the first console game to have online multiplayer and just so happens to be a modern warfare shooter. But, you wouldn't know anything about a good, tactical shooter, being a cod and/or halo sissy. :) [spoiler]Oh, and for those not in the know and/or too lazy to look it up, it was a Playstation only game. [/spoiler]
Almost all if the entitled whiners are xboners, I think we are the better community for not whining. Keep in mind not all xboners are whiners, but majority of the whiners are xboners.
You forgot cod. Also more psn players than Xbox players getting destiny. In your face.
Hahaha I'm on PS and you sir are awful
Lady's and gentlemen...I give you..*drum roll* THE FAN BOY!!!! Only found in the great land's of fail. they say random thing's to make themselves look smart or bad ass. Thank you for coming to the troll zoo you have a good day.
Bought a PS4 on the 16th, day before beta. The last PS I owned was a PS2..... This bait was not very well thought out.
You lack proof to make your argument valid.
You're bad though
Is this a serious post or just trolling? Either way it's stupid.
And bro you got day lil man syndrome, PSN had twice as many players as Xbox....nig you out numbered
Lol he must be troll or a gamer in diapers very ignorant and narrow minded or just stupid. @_@ moving on.
Opinions =/= Facts
I would like to see some "facts" and not " personal unsubstantiated opinions"