Anyone who has played Last of Us, or any other shooter on MP, knows how sad the PSN is compared to the xbox community in terms of shooters/communication. 15% of PSNers use a mic, hardly ever use any teamwork, and have terrible dueling skills. [b]It is not your (PSN) fault[/b], you haven't had the proper shooters to cultivate your shooting skills into an honest to God FPSer's paradise of ownage. The time has not been put in to develop the skills necessary for a proper shooter.
Who saw it in the beta? PSN players would do the dumbest things, jumping in the air like a clay pidgeon, and take the worst routes to an objective, while xboners would take you head on and duel you for control of the lane, and use their mics to coordinate an effort.
Xbox people have had many FPS games to cultivate their skills, while PSNers had what? I'm sorry to say this, but Xboxers know how to fight in a shooter. PSNers are but peasants compared to the true kings of the shooter.
Debate all you want, but the facts speak for themselves. Facts are: tournaments, competitive play, and MLG. Which system do they usually choose? Xbox.
Here's hoping Destiny transforms you into the shooters we need you to be. Welcome to the realm of FPSers.
I would like to see some "facts" and not " personal unsubstantiated opinions"
This poster is 10 years old and lives at home with mom .... Irrelevant opinion
So the legend of xbox player beginssss.... The ubber race of shooters 😱😱😱
I got my skills from Unreal and Tribes. Halo was too slow for me.
No offense but you're kind of an asshole lol
Wanna one v one me bruh? I'd wipe the floor with you on both consoles...
I don't think one video game makes xbox players better than playstation players
Edited by DaveyCrockett5000: 8/15/2014 11:07:03 PMI have both PS+ (on PS4) and XBL. The PS+ and XBL are essentially the same quality. If you were talking original PSN on PS3 than yes, I would agree it's garbage. I think Sony realized that to have a competitive online service it can't be free. Edit: I just realized your argument was about the community. If you don't recall, CoD and Battlefield (both shooters) are on both systems. I'd like to know where you're getting your "facts" from if all you have to compare are Killzone and Halo... and we all know Killzone is most likely on it's last leg.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one. 3/10 this thread
What facts?
Not according to Destiny Tracker. Number 1 player plays on PSN. In fact, 7 out of the top 10 players are on PSN. Now before you say it's only because we had the beta longer, I'd like to point out that the top 10, both PS and XB players, are nearly equal in games played. You're probably trolling though, so facts mean nothing. Just like what system you play on means nothing when it comes to skill.
You still wasted $500 on a $300 piece of shit.
I've always hated how CoD and Battlefield never made it to Playstation.
You do know that some of us are do not let our system limit our game variety right?
I know right?! First person just belongs to Xbox, and is only really enjoyable on it!! AMEN!
I can say this much I did take some pretty stupid routes, and didn't play as good as most halo players, but I'm not entirely sure it has anything to do with the system I'm on. I think I just suck man
Edited by sergeantawesome: 8/15/2014 10:49:33 PMLike the fact that you are a giant moron. I don't give a shit if this is a troll post or not, you are a stupid asshole.
What is the hate between the two systems? Just curious, because I've used both and had great experiences.
Hence that is why ps4 is still number1 in sales.
I love you! :)
I'll take the b8 m8 I was someone who was PS player, then XBOX player, now PS AND xbox player, I was playing much longer than you. Alpha plus 4 extra days. Git gud skrub. Git on my level yo.
So pick it up on shitbox 1 and play with those scrubs. I never noticed a difference. Well i lie, idiots on psn are like 15 where as the idiots on xbox 360 were 25 and idiots. Both console player base apparently -blam!-s my family and hates the fact I rush and never stop moving.
Edited by tiibalt: 8/15/2014 10:30:50 PMI played ps3 and xbone and I disagree. If you compared 360 with ps3 you would have been on the right track. The more players the more skilled and unskilled players. Good players get better by playing people around their skill lvl and beyond. So yes halo2 and three helped cultivate skill for Xbox users. How long ago was that? I was a diehard Xbox fanyboy and nownim switching to ps4 on the 9th highly doubt I'll be the only one. Halo2 and 3 actually had a true skill system.
[quote]the facts speak for themselves[/quote] That you're a stupid fanboy?
Destiny is love.. Destiny is life...