Since most of the enemies that are the hive seem to have a moniker that references to a fantasy creature ie ogre, thrall, dark knight. They should make a enemy troll. Make it look all fat ugly and sad faced. Kind of retarded, gets distracted by space buttetflies and all it does is smash on things. Even allies. And Bungie should do this to represent all the haters aka trolls that appear on the forums. Now since these foul beasts hate everything they are always alone but still it takes more than one of us to "smash" them (like in the forums). Bc I think like so many other of my fellow guardians that Destiny is meant for everyone. No exclusive. And there is only room for us to grow together as a community, bc make no mistake that is what we are, thanks to this small universe created by bungie that resides in the palm of our hands (actually our console but semantic). Over the course of 10 years this game could be the first that really tries to bring cross platform together. I am in full support of this! You should as well. I mean what better way to bring people together than through battle with a common foe? Now I know there will be rivalries and that is encouraged, for if your the best of your fireteam or your friends or even your clan wouldnt you rather have the one guy/girl who is not your friend, fireteammate, or clan member who dominates you (we all have one no need to lie here) watching your back when the darkness does finally invade the tower? The last bastion of humanity?
[i]loosens his tie and wipes the sweat from his brow[/i]
Ive overstayed my purpose. I just want us all to put the bickering aside. We are gamers but people as well. And when those 2 combine we are all guardians. See you starside guardians. B well.
Idk, some trolls are pretty brilliant