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originally posted in:Guardian Fire Squad Alpha
8/15/2014 11:18:41 PM

New clips?

I was watching Dattos recent video on destiny, showing off radiance and arc blade, and with radiance, YOU CAN FRIGGIN 1 PUNCH A PIKE! That was absolutely awesome! Also, he shows some footage of the arc blade, and there is a range option for it! I don't know really how to describe it, but man both subclasses look awesome. Of you wanna see for yourself, just go on dattosdoesdestiny channel and it should be his most recent one. So, what do you think about this?

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  • Just finished watching new YouTube video of IGN interview with multiplayer at gamescom. Girl interviewing didn't sound like she has ever heard of Destiny. Bungie dude did a great job of carrying the conversation and giving cool info. She is very hot though. I don't know how to add the link (don't know if I can with my phone). IGN live/gamescom Destiny multiplayer. I have faith y'all can find it;)

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