Full game is out and I am not surprised at the repetitive boring ass game that is destiny. Wow. Not only is the campaign woefully short but it is pathetic to tell what the -blam!- is going on in the damn world. Who are we? What the hell is going on? What really happened in the past? The story of the actual Collapse seems WAYY more interesting then what the -blam!- is going on here. All you get are go and kill these aliens because we revived you from death. What's worse is that if you really want to understand the enemies you're facing and what is going on in the world, you have to come here and look at these G Cards. Why couldn't you have put this in the actual game rather than have me hunt it down here? Pathetic. Strikes -blam!-ing SUCK. I thought for every strike, it would be a new level, interesting bosses that tied up with the lore but it is literally doing story missions all over again. And the level designs are the worst I have seen. How many horde mode moments are in this damn game? The loot drops are horseshit and skins for your damn ship and ghost are not worth jack shit son. I was expecting you to ride this thing places and actually get a feel for it but all you do is stare at a goddamn loading screen. I cannot believe I got the DGE. I wasted so much money. And to you that think I'm trolling, I ain't. But you believe what you want to believe. I just state the -blam!-ing facts
I see these people talking about destiny is copying this game or that game. Like wtf it may have similar characteristics but that doesn't mean it has to be coping them. Why can't you like a game for what it is. Seriously all ideas have been used and if u can think of an idea it most likely would not work. If someone would come out with an idea that was amazing and has not been used for 10+ years you would hear somebody saying this game is copying off of whatever the game is. It's ridiculous. I guarantee not a single person can come up with 1 FULLY ORIGINAL IDEA THAT HAS NEVER BEEN USED IN ANY OTHER GAME IN THE WORLD. It's not possible.