I'm trying to find a desktop monitor that supports 1080p at least, has good gray to gray and pixel response, 120hz, and includes zero extra bells and whistles. Ideally 27" but that's easily compromised. I'm not using it for PC gaming so I suppose it really doesn't need any if those uh... Hookups. HDMI is required but VGA would be a nice inclusion too.
So no 3D, or extra crazy ass bullshit like touch sensitive power buttons.
[i]Just curious if anybody is already aware of a well priced barebones performance model.[/i]
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've had [url=http://www.asus.com/Monitors_Projectors/VX228H/]this monitor[/url] for about four weeks now, got it [url=http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236358]here[/url]for maybe 10 bucks cheaper when it was on sale. I have not noticed any artifacts or defects, so knowing what I was getting (i.e. definitely didn't expect the speakers to be mind blowing, it's only 21.5" so I almost play on it like a computer monitor...), I have no complaints about the performance. A couple of downsides are the cumbersome menu navigation (not intuitive but it functions) and Splendid picture presets (pretty much caricatures of any realistic picture setting you'd make yourself). Trying to get the color, contrast, and saturation to work well together has been a little difficult for me (probably a good deal of error operator). Although I've mostly got it where I want it, a few minor tweaks would be ideal (currently blacks are near absolute, still got a tinge of green in skin tone, backlight seems bright, and colors are almost oversaturated). I'd be happy to do my best to answer any questions about the monitor. I don't have anything to serve as a reference point aside from a pretty nice Visio I used to have so opinions on quality would be pretty subjective. So uhhhh does anybody have experience with manipulating Splendid image presets or know of a methodology for getting a good picture setup?