*blasts again with the shotgun*
this guy just will not die.
You're doing good, it's just that this guy can't take a hint...
I think we should hang him by the front door. Let this be a warning for the other desticles.
Haha in addition to the spikes we have already? Oh well a little overkill never hurt anyone... Too much.
I have two ideas: We mute him: Seems to work. :3 Or maybe, if we ignore the Bosh'tet, he'll leave?
We've discussed this, Hunter. I must speak, for dire consequences follow my silence.
I'm gonna let him leave on his own. As far as I'm concerned it's hilarious watching you guys get violent! :3
My Light is much to strong for petty weaponry.
How about high explosives? * kicks a frag grenade up The Speaker's asshole* HAVE FUN! *grenade explodes*
hmmm... I can fix that