Why does every PC player I've ever met have to be the biggest snobby douche know-it-all? Never met one that's not a complete turd.
People who play EXCLUSIVELY on PC are the douche canoes. I've never met a PC elitist I haven't hated, but most people who have a console AND a PC are usually pretty cool people
Because the only PC players who brag about playing on PC are the turds. I play on PC but I don't throw it in peoples face because no one cares. I see the whole "PC master race" thing as a joke (not a joke as in it isn't true, a joke as in its just for fun). The people who take it seriously and actually think they are above average human beings because of the platform they game on are just fools.
I've always been of the opinion that if all you have to brag about is what box you game on, you need to rethink your life.
Because only those kind of pc gamers voice that they play pc because people assume that we're all the same when anyone utters anything to do with the pc.
People from the United States are in the same situation.
I've got nothing against PC or PC gamers, just hate how they're represented by douchebags.
I couldn't agree more. They give the rest of us a bad name.
No, I'm not just talking about forums. I personally know people who are PC gamers and they're nothin but jerks. Always bashing consoles and never shutting up about how much better PC is. I just don't understand why..
I wish I could tell you. Sadly many arw retaliating to console owners who display the samekind of arrogance. No one can be certain who started it, probably trolls. I play pc for the most part because I find it more suited for me. I do prefer the performance but that's because I spent £500 to build the best pc I could and got more power than consoles. I also own a 360 though because some games just play better on a console. Others have split screen which is a great thing to use. Its not a question of what is better it's preference. I have my reasons for not particularly liking next gen, they are legitimate but that doesn't mean nobody should play next gen as there are those who prefer the consoles for their own reasons. The ones, like yourself, who don't appear to like the conflict are almost alway legitimate in their preferences. Those who try to trigger conflict, both console and pc, are usually just spouting nonsense.