[b] I will be playing this game regardless, just giving the selfish opposition something to think about, no ones going to die because these features aren't included however no ones game experience will be effected negatively if they are[/b]
I made this thread to try and get a clearly understanding to why so many people on this forum choose to oppose features that would not hurt their gaming experience, but would heighten others.
I want to first start with private matches... Why in the heck would anyone care to combat the implementation of private matches... They're private, so what if you never did them, so what if you don't like Clans or MLG or whatever, what does that matter, they are private, which means you wouldn't have to have anything to do with the matches in anyway. People who argue against them adding them are selfish and make no valid points, because the matches are private and don't effect them in anyway.
Next we have match-making, now look I was actually ok with this feature being taken out of raids and agreed that teaming with real friends on Xbox live/PSN would make for a better experience but then I thought about how this game doesn't even have a basic social feature like proximity chat were people can communicate on the fly with new people, therefore making new friends in Destiny a little more challenging (because people don't accept fireteam invites from randoms) so my question is how does having match making in raids stop 6 friends from still teaming up and doing raids together? The answer is it doesn't therefore not having match making in raiding isn't to anyone's benefit really it's just one less feature, just because...
Proximity chat... Single mute button, toggle off completely button, doesn't cross over private chat or fireteam chat... Someone explain to me with all that in place how would proximity chat hurt your gaming experience when you can simply toggle it off and never use it?
How many rude, foulmouthed, randomly spiteful narcissists do you think the average user is going to take the time to mute before they just get disgusted and turn the whole thing off permanently? Over time, this would lead to a situation in which the majority of people who would still have prox chat on would be the ones randomly screaming abuse and bad pickup lines at each other. At which point [b]new players[/b] would fire up the game and walk into an established culture, wherein the people who might be worth making friends with will ignore them by default, and the immature jerks will feel free to say anything to anyone, because they know they can get away with it. That'd be a great way to keep new players coming back, right? A whole gaming ecosystem full of willfully isolated pleasant folks, liberally sprinkled with loud, random, vicious, childish trolls: [i] "Welcome to the tower for the first time, Guardian, this is where you'll... [b]nice tits bitch get rekt noob mom bring me a coke turn that goddamn music down join my clan join my clan join my clan huntard i did my chores 1v1 me bro i just teabagged you learn2mute fggt pools closed gottamic gottamic gottamic -blam!- you then scrub xbox off[/b]"[/i] So much for that teen rating, I guess. Sort of like having #destiny right in your ear on blast while you try to play the game, only worse, because the people who are actually worth talking to can't even hear you. If you want to think about this issue in terms of game experience, ask yourself which is more important: One individual or another getting feature X, or the in-game experience being a non-hostile one for all new players as months and years go by?