You do realize that PSN will become better than Xbox Live, and that 60% of gamers who had a 360 only last gen went to PS4.
Some did it because they know that the last gen console will continue to be supported wht new games for some time. I suspect that they will eventually get an X1 so they can continue to play their exclusives. Especially when the prices come down to what may be more reasonable to them. Heck, I may buy an X1 in a year or two.
60 percent lol. Where did you get that bullshit number from
not sure about the statistic, but I can safely say I'm adding to it.
Sony said 20 percent of ps4 owners never owned a ps3. That means it could of been there first console, switched from the 360, or the wii
Agreed. Xbone is dying
I think it's stupid when people claim a console is dying. Let's go back to when the 360 and PS3 came out. 360 sold way more units then PS3, reason being the console price tag of $600, but it didn't die. Its just like Xbox is now being the underdog and PS4 is top, but just like PS3 I'm sure Xbone will come back.
Nah. The xbone is doing dreamcast numbers... its looking pretty bad for them.
Xbox and Playstation will die out when a new company comes in, like what happened with Nintendo and Sega, though Nintendo still fights on, barely, personally I play on an xbox, as the original xbox was my first console, so I go by what I'm used to. The point is, these brands will disappear, and fall to a new console war between two new brands and a universe of people who are extremely dense and can't accept other peoples choices, ah the ridiculous world we live in ;)
Oh, for sure man.
And 99% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Its actually true. In other news: Sony just accounced over 10 million PS4s have been sold to customers. Xbone has 5 million "shipped" Lol what a slaughter.
Lmao, this guy...
Here are some links for you. Enjoy. [b]Here is a list of why the PS4 is the best next gen choice for Destiny:[/b] 1. PS4 is more powerful (1.8 vs 1.3 Teraflops) ( 2. PS4 has faster GDDR5 Memory, which has twice the throughput of the ddr3 found in the xbone ( 3. PS4 cheaper to buy (Why would someone pay more for a less powerful system?) 4. PS4 has more games than any other next gen system ( 5. PS+ is better value (6 free games a month, across 3 platforms. It’s also cheaper than Live and has a better selection of games) 6. PS4 is 3 times more popular than the xbone ( 7. Has a player base that is 3 times bigger, as a result 8. All cross platform games look and perform better on the PS4 (name a single cross platform game that looks/performs better on xbone, bet you can’t) Here is the proof: 9. PS4 is focused on games. Doesn’t have focus on TV and Sports like the xbone does ( 10. The xbone Dashboard is filled with advertisements 11. The xbone Dashboard in general is a complete mess that is hard to navigate ( 12. PS4 didn’t make you buy a kinnect and then remove support for it 6 months later, effectivity screwing over early adopters 13. All Microsoft cares about is feeding you more ads 14. DixectX12 will not save the xbone or help game run at 1080p 15. PlayStation platforms have exclusive content in Destiny 16. PS4 is the lead platform for Destiny 17. PS4 has the largest player base in Destiny of any of the 4 platforms, has more pre-orders than any other platform 18. Was able to render the Alpha and Beta in full HD 1080p, so there won’t be any nasty surprises when the game is fully released 19. Has controllers which don’t require AA batteries or firmware updates 20. PS4 doesn’t have a giant external power brick and the console itself is much smalle
Yet no one cares lol I find the xbox dash extremely easy to use. It's all basically in the same page! I play very well, enjoy my games, and have fun with friends. So yea I'll take that over having sharper shadows lol
10 million sold vs 5 million "shipped".
You really care about this huh? Lmaoooo
Looks like you care enough to respond.
Cracking my shit up...
Using numbers from 2 months ago lol