*waves back* :3
Hey, I'll take over. You can go on break.
Also welcome[spoiler]for the time being...[/spoiler]
I was here before you
As official head Desticulinator I have given the task of screen the new food. Now tell me five pros and cons about yourself. I request that two of each be true and three be sarcastic. Also I want a funny gif about a srrange animal. If you dont satisfy these rewuirements I will label you as a desticle and you will have each ball and socket joint shot with a .22
Pros: 1. Believe it or not I go outdoors 2. above average looking 3. I will be enlisting in the Marine Corps Shortly 4. Can fap to anything. (Except ANYTHING LonePaul puts out) 5. I have outsmarted an Asian... Once! Cons: Short attention Span I can come across as over confident Sometimes I can't shut up. My shocking good looks get me into trouble... Usually with your dad. (Hue)
[quote]Pros: 1. Believe it or not I go outdoors 2. above average looking 3. I will be enlisting in the Marine Corps Shortly 4. Can fap to anything. (Except ANYTHING LonePaul puts out) 5. I have outsmarted an Asian... Once! Cons: Short attention Span I can come across as over confident Sometimes I can't shut up. My shocking good looks get me into trouble... Usually with your dad. (Hue)[/quote] I would just like to point out two things. 1) having a short attention span is nothing short of a suoer power. 2) I fail to see a gif. You are on paid suspention until I do
Your acceptance letter my friend https://www.google.com/search?q=acceptance+letter+to+clown+school&client=ms-android-att-us&source=android-browser&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=fGnyU8uNEIfmsASY5oF4&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=360&bih=592&dpr=3#facrc=_&imgrc=2U_aOIZzKBWsEM%253A%3B769pXBNBbBr4qM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fkariskhaos.files.wordpress.com%252F2012%252F02%252Fscan-120460000.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fkariskhaos.wordpress.com%252F2012%252F02%252F15%252Fwhimsical-wednesdays-the-journey-to-becoming-hugz-the-clown-and-beyond-part-4-family-confetti-and-clown-college%252F%3B1512%3B2104
Lol I was expecting it to smash its face into the camera