Don't be tricked by the Purple Ball! I once was! The Purple Ball isn't gonna guide us to power! It will guide us to Defeat! Everyone must gang up against the Purple Ball and follow the Soccer Ball! If you follow the purple ball you will end up looking like this! Don't end up like that!
All Hail the Soccer Ball!
hail purple ball :3
Don't feed the trolls!
Praise the sun?
My wife controls my purple balls!
Edited by Spooky: 8/29/2014 7:08:14 PMfür den Sieg Hagel die lila Kugel! Hagel der füher !
Edited by xman565: 8/29/2014 5:21:01 AMI will follow it over the rail and into the city!! All hail the soccer ball!!! (This thread reminds of Red Vs Blue they all hail the flag)
He's a god
I know it controls me but I do not care. ALL HAIL THE PURPLE BALL!!!
Edited by Gorgamaster: 8/29/2014 2:04:42 AMThe purple ball and the soccer ball are pieces of an unfinished prison, made by the traveler, to hold the heart of the darkness. If the two are fused together, the darkness and its allies will be severely weakened, allowing humanity to more easily take back what is rightfully theirs.
I actually just had a talk with the soccer and purple ball.Lets just say i put the nail in the coffin [spoiler]Ball goes pop!!![/spoiler]
Edited by Lord Fried: 8/28/2014 9:20:11 PMI've bought the candles and set up the sacrifice alter...i'm thinking DeeJ may be the first sacrificial lamb, he has proven himself as a suitable subject...his sacrifice will ensure a great launch and a fruitful loot harvest
The Sparkle Pony is our lord and saviour !
[u][b]inb4 Spherical Magenta Holocaust[/b][/u]
I've seen the purple ball many times and kicked off the edge and made it float on the fan in the beta. Where the heck is the soccer ball located as I could never find that thing?
All hail the glorious purple ball!
This post had a serious direct tv vibe to it
The purple ball will soon have a church in the tower..
Edited by Hexal: 8/26/2014 7:08:30 PMNo purple ball Is love purple ball is life just because you lost the way doesn't mean others should.
i shall join you. as my face should never look that way.......
Scary stuff
The purple ball is all. Your heresy shall stay your feet.
My children I am love! I am life.....
No it's not, I throw that thing off the tower every time I see it to ruin people's fun.
Look, I don't know what drugs all you "ball suckers" are on, but maybe you should tone down your enthusiasm.