I must say it hasn't been easy keeping an accurate count, but I tried my best. The sample size is starting to get large enough where a few mistakes on my part hopefully won't matter much.
Edited by Strix: 8/28/2014 11:52:04 AMINFJ both tests (rare my ass!) Playing a Warlock.
Edited by Redmoon 52: 8/22/2014 2:46:38 AMESFJ, Both tests. Thanks it was fun
Duly noted, thanks
INTP But on the 1st one I got INFP sooo it's weird maybe I broke it
Yup, you broke it. Haha...
Edited by InescapableKarma: 8/20/2014 10:16:29 PMISTP is me. warlock
Us introverts live in a extrovert world and we have to deal with it. :P
Pretty much, in fact most of the "civilized" world is suited to the ESTP/ESTJ personality. If you're lucky enough to have a personality like that, endless possibilities are open before you.
;-; yes
INTP reporting in. Moderate introversion, but that's with all the thinking and problem solving. Get lost in there sometimes
Edited by Rogue4Lyfe: 8/20/2014 6:53:06 AMi am INTP
In that case, make sure you tested accurately by taking the test more than once. Try to answer according to your earliest memories, as your true type is set by the time you reach the age of 8. When I first took the test, I thought I was an INTP, it wasn't until years later I discovered I was actually an INFJ disguised as a TP! =) Also, you might be curious to know that INTP comprises 3–5% of the US population.
Edited by Amelior-Scout: 8/28/2014 5:47:01 AMI love psychology.. But, what do you think about the criticisms of this test? [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator#Criticism]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator#Criticism[/url]
If you're asking for my opinion, I think psychology itself, is something of a joke among scientists. And scientists take themselves too seriously anyway. What's all the hubbub about theories which can never be proven true?
Edited by Amelior-Scout: 8/28/2014 5:58:31 AMI agree ....with the first part :| - What about psychology done with neurological data? :3
I don't know man, do I look like an encyclopedia to you? =)
Edited by Amelior-Scout: 8/28/2014 6:03:41 AMYa. [i]face..palm.[/i] :| Youz intellectual? The casual subtype? :D.
You can't expect me to know everything, can you? These subjects are outside my area of research. =)
I would.. :[ I've had people talk to me about all sorts of things.. I guess I've built my own encyclopedia. Kinda figured a lot of others had too :D. - Especially if you started a thread on psych.. I'd expect you to know psych X_X!
Edited by ProwlyB: 8/28/2014 6:14:44 AMI know about Myers-Briggs and took a Psych 101 class in college (it was years ago) - that is the extent of my knowledge on psychology.
Damn. :\ Ty for explaining. - What DO you do, btw? :D
I'm between jobs at the moment, which is probably why I have so much free time to spend on these forums, eh? I'm a veteran. I've worked in Alaska. I've done construction. I've done office work. I don't have a degree. I'm currently working on the possibility of reenlisting.