The second test is harder to "cheat." I put the picture up there so people could get an incomplete idea of each type - more for fun not to be taken so seriously.
I think you're going to find more Introverts on a forum like this. People who play video games by themselves for hours on end are more likely to be Introverted. Also, gamers in general tend to be more Thinking than Feeling I would assume (though I'm moderate Feeling myself). None of that surprises me in the least.
The thing is that INTJ makes up roughly 2% of the population. I doubt they all found their way here lol.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. We're talking about a few hundred people who've posted in this thread...that's like just a drop of water compared to the general population. If I had to speculate, I think perhaps the MOST common personality type in gaming would be INTJ. It actually makes perfect sense...