Title: Spoilers in quote pyramids get cut off
Description: The text in spoiler tags gets cut off whenever it is in a quote pyramid.
Repro Steps:
1.) Make a quote pyramid.
2.) Put in a spoiler tag.
3.) Text is cut off if it is too long.
[quote][spoiler]As you can plainly see, the text inside of this quote box will get cut off if the string is too long. This format is useful when it comes to guides and FAQs.[/spoiler][/quote][/quote]
Result: Text gets cut off.
Expected Result: Text word wraps appropriately.
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Browser: Firefox Version 31.0 and Google Chrome Version 36.0.1985.143 m
Are you running add-ons/plug-ins?: Negative, Ghost Rider.
This does not happen for me, but I'm on Windows 8.1