So I've noticed there's a lot of confusion on when the Midnight launch starts... and so far I know nobody has made it clear for the entire world.
So we all know the official time has been set at 9/9/2014, 12:01 AM PST. This is GMT-7 for everyone who uses GMT timezones. But to make it clearer, here are all timezones and a map of where you are and a converter where you can simply put in the place where you live.
[url=]Timezone Map[/url]
[spoiler]West Coast = 12:01 AM (California / Washington / Nevada)
Mid America = 01:01 AM / 02:01 AM (Wyoming =1AM / Texas =2AM / N&S Dakota =2AM)
East Coast = 03:01 AM (Delaware / N&S Carolina / Florida)
South America = 04:01 AM (Brazil / Suriname / Uruguay)
Canada = 01:01 AM (Calgary / Edmonton)
Mexico = 02:01 AM (Mexico City / Guadalajara)
UK = 08:01 AM
Western Europe = 09:01 AM (Netherlands / Germany / France / Spain)
Eastern Europe = 10:01 AM (Austria / Romania / Poland)
Western Africa = 09:01 AM (Côte d'ivoire / Ghana / Nigeria)
Eastern Africa = 10:01 AM (Tanzania / Zimbabwe)
Russia = 11:01 AM / 02:01 PM (Moskow =11:01 / Siberia = 02:01 PM)
Turkey = 10:01 AM
India = 12:01 AM
Indonesia = 02:01 PM
Mongolia = 03:01 PM
China = 03:01 PM
Korea = 04:01 PM
Japan = 04:01 PM
Australia = 05:01 PM
New Zealand = 07:01 PM[/spoiler]