It is the lowest of the low. Whoever gets some sort of joy out of confusing or horrifying people on the internet, whether or not the victim deserves it, is simply a sad little person and most likely some fat sweaty guy clouding up his monitor by exhaling on it with his disgusting Mountain Dew and Cheetos infused death mist he has the audacity to call "his breath."
Edited by Masshole: 8/23/2014 12:14:48 AMPossibility for that might be that there are just natural born assholes out there. Just like myself. You want to assume all the things you said about the people you're talking about? Go ahead, doesn't affect my life in anyway. Also, it is a very bad assumption to associate the people like that with the classic stereotypes. Why should I care about some random dipshit on the Internet raging about other random dipshits? That's right, it's because I don't.