[url=/en/News/News?aid=12054]Bungie Weekly Update - 08/22/2014[/url]
Wwyd if destiny got pushed back 6 months like watch dogs ?
Hi I'm looking for random people to play with I'm male, 16, California so friend me. My GT is agopian2. Don't put your GT because i don't have time for that so just go on your xbox one and go search it yourself. If you don't do that and put your GT instead I'm not gonna do it for you so don't reply saying you didn't friend me. GT is: agopian2 no caps as again agopian2 no caps.
It's so close to the release date now. I just want to play it so badly lol
Hey, why do u think Bungie decided to go Play station exclusive when they did Xbox exclusive for so long, maybe they wanna give some sort of gift to playstation saying that it's their turn for the exclusive content or maybe there is another reason, idk.
Anybody else do the bucket challenge put the link to your video as a reply
Edited by RogueFlame117: 8/27/2014 5:15:55 AM12 days... 16 hours.... 34 minutes..... [i]HURRY UP[/i]!
If u want someone to play destiny with on ps4 I'm your guy. Just put ur psn names below!!:)
Who did buy ps4 just becoz of destiny ?
I personally dont care about new maps, but that doesnt mean I wont play on them!
So, can anyone confirm if the 360 will be getting the digital guardian edition like the one? Some of my friends wanna know.
Edited by NiceSMW: 8/27/2014 12:16:22 AMSniff sniff... My beta guardian's are gone now... Maybe that was the dream about finding "me". So ready for the real thing!
Correct me if I am wrong, but can't we be in more than one clan/group? Its just baffling me why people rather post there PSN, and Gamertags instead of simply joining a group. I understand it's the easy route, but easy isn't always best. Plus I rather be with like minded clan members. "Opposers of Destiny" PS4 PSN: GoneWitDaSmoke 9/9/14
What happend to all my Charters
Edited by MercifulGooby: 8/26/2014 11:45:15 PMIs newegg.com fast on pre order shipping? Plz help answer
Yoo any ps3 players? add me: cyberscorpion786 Just remember that if you do add me... this was YOUR destiny. ;P
So uh since Destiny is gold so soon and all how about we take that time and throw in a lil extra something for those with the ghost edition ;) for just a way of saying thank you :)
Wait. So Destiny is done... but its not coming out until the 9th.... It could of come out in like 2 or 3 days then instead of 2 weeks!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOO
Hey everyone looking for guardians once the game is out my Xbox one gamer-tag is Schmidtler5639
My hand canon whip out and reload speed is going to be instant! Energy Drain - Damaging an enemy with energy drain increases movement and weapon speed Perks - Hand canons usually have reload speed on their perks Armor (Voidfang Vestment) - Increases the ammo you can carry (which is another buff the hand canons got so WIN WIN) Snap discharge on the armor buff for Heart of the Praxic Fire will also very well help the melee itself which is great.
Looking for ps4 players who has mics and don't act 12 and rage quit lol I've got a crew of 6 so far looking to add more psn is btobin156 add me up and become legendary together :)
looking for people to join my clan TEAM AESTHETIC,me and my friends plan to play daily,if you want to join my clan,or need help and information on destiny,comment or message on XBOX ONE,GT:SneakyPhantom15
My psn is Superpotato14
Do you get bonus content when u pre order destiny on the playstation store?
Edited by Ghost: 8/26/2014 11:33:04 PMThe Crimson Sky Knights are recruiting on Playstation 4 14+ only please. We plan to have atleast one person on 24/7 when we get enough people. Message zolden,Iceconduit, XvshadeslayervX or myself with any questions or for details. Preferably have a mic.
They finally wiped the accounts xD
Was that the international space station... In the moons orbit? in destiny...