[url=/en/News/News?aid=12054]Bungie Weekly Update - 08/22/2014[/url]
Feel free to add me, and also join the clan! I will be taking vacation from work that week also. So you have me for 5 days straight! Lol, gotta use those vacation before i lose them. CIoud_Strife (The L is an i) PS4
Fu give me money (Xbone) why you still run on battery's. I thought you will be better then sony or nah. Love sony for life.
Looking for friends to play destiny on Xbox 360 I will be starting a clan, please leave gamer tags and suggestions for the clan name (my gamertag is chubbycheaks15) Be aware I'm a squeaker but I'm not annoying, I'll try to be friendly. See you later guardians! And thx for your time ;)
My birthday is the same day this game of amazingly spectacular awesomeness is released. Hmmmm ill chalk that up to fate....no, Destiny
we have to wait 2 weeks 6hours 15minutes 13 secounds
It is absolutely fantastic for our beloved bungie to avoid alienation and spend time on strengthening their presence with vids such as the latter ice ALS challenge. I have no doubt that they have spawned an icy flood in that will drench many a gaming icon. Destiny is a fantastic game, I simply can-t wait to play. From what I see so far, it completely satiates my thirst for adventure and reconciles the shooter genre's intense action with the depth and scope of MMORPG's (Yes, I know Destiny isn't officially one). The customizability and resulting identity is the great glorious grandchild of that fateful day when we could choose to be an elite or a spartan in Halo 2 (Yes, I know certain people want even more customizability). I'm looking forward to 343's response to the calling. Because surely there will be a digitally animated version too. See you Starside Guys.
When are you going to be wiping our beta guardians?
Edited by Masked Samurai: 8/25/2014 9:31:54 PMAny thoughts on what a potential third subclass all the guardian types might get. It does say 2/3 next to subclass
Looking far players to join my group chaos nation dusnot matter who you are are how you play my self and a few others are just looking far a good team to play ether pvp are pve contact me far xbox1 GT bornofchaos92 far more info
Any ps3 gamers wanna add me My psn is Best_Ante
Is there going to be a dragon boss?
16 days and counting ! Post your gt here
Does anyone know how i earn vanguard marks ?
つ ◕_◕ ༽つALL HAIL XBOX༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ つ ◕_◕ ༽つALL HAIL XBOX༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ つ ◕_◕ ༽つALL HAIL XBOX༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ つ ◕_◕ ༽つALL HAIL XBOX༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ つ ◕_◕ ༽つALL HAIL XBOX༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ つ ◕_◕ ༽つALL HAIL XBOX༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Play with me on Xbox One my GT is agopian2
What is up Destiny Community! If you guys don't know me, I am DarkSaint05. I am the Leader of All That Remains PS, and All That Will Remain (All Consoles). If there are any PS gamers out there looking for a mature, serious Clan, be sure to check us out. Looking for good, competitive players for Crucible and end game Raids. Serious Gamers please. I check everyone that applies and only accept those that show they are ready for Destiny. All others who are looking for a more casual clan, be sure to check out [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/66906]All That Will Remain[/url]. These doors are always open, with information about Destiny and close to 300 members to build a Fire Team. See you guys Star Side!
Does anyone know if I can use the same character on both PS3 and PS4, and not just migrate it from one to another, but play on both ?? So that I can play it with my friends on PS3 and with some new folks on PS4.
What is the Best Class in Destiny?
Are the employees already playing the finished copy or (I doubt they will) will they haft to wait
Does anyone know if the amount of weapon we can store in our vault will be increased, because in my opinion, 20 isn't enough?
PS3 players who want to have nice moments in game fun and be awesome teammates reply :P - BestVelozxz
is anybody going to play destiny in ps3 if u r please put your gamer tag
Too late I know... But one speculation here, we will only be able to sparrow race with 3 people given that our Explore fireteams are limited to 3. A real race.... would be 5 with one guy [i]waving[/i]/[i]pointing[/i] at the finish line.
Will there be splitscreen?
Looking far group members to get reddy far destiny launch contact bornofchaos on Xbox 1 far info
Anyone good at halo 2 that is on xbox one now gettin destiny?