[url=/en/News/News?aid=12054]Bungie Weekly Update - 08/22/2014[/url]
Hey guys I'm looking for some ps3 destiny players my psn is willdc22 also I'm going to b the hunter so add me!
Hey there everybody!!! Join our Destiny Raid and Strike Community on Facebook. We are trying to gather people to be able to form parties to go on raids and strike missions. Check out the link below!!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/destinydiscussion/
I cant play destiny because, it says destiny servers are not available.
Deej is messing with us because I can still see my Hunter and It appears that some patches have been made to him.
Any one who is looking far a clan far Xbox 1 I have just started a group chaos nation looking far any one who just wants to play destiny with a bunch of like mineded ppl pvp pve also looking far helpful players to help all new players who may ask far help
Looking for ps4 destiny players. Add me and hit me up. Gamertag. killingfetish
Give me 1 good reason why there is a clan cap. If people want to be in a super clan.....let them.
so the rank cap will be 20? that's kind of low dont you guys think so?
Ok Guardians, I've got some questions. I've never been a huge supporter of clans, but with this game it makes sense. So my question is: what is good clan etiquette? Can you join multiple clans? What responsibilities do you have to your clan mates?
Guys i ordered the ghost edition from newegg.com do u think it will get to my house on the launch date or a few days later? Plz help answer
During the beta I heard a rumour that the factories in the city were not producing hand-cannons to a good standard. Apparently the reload speed and the impact on them were not at a satisfactory level (hint hint). Please put me at rest by telling me that in the final launch of the game the workers at the factory will be working hard to ensure that the hand-cannons will be performing at a good standard.
Edited by Space Forklift: 8/24/2014 9:14:50 PMI ordered the ghost edition from game stop and didn't get day one shipping and store pickup wasn't available so how long would it take to get to my house ? like 5 or 6 days?
Is it me or whatever deej says is really cheesy?
I realize this will be a LOONNNGG time since Destiny isn't even out yet but will there be a second?
I can't wait it's almost here!!! Have I said this before?
West coast ps4 players, names here⬇️ Braidenk
I have to wait until 8pm or 9pm because of swim practice and school
anybody playing on ps3 if yes please leave your gamer tag =)
Anyone knows what time will the convention start ?
Thank you Deej.
Looking for some people to play anything on destiny I don't care if it's in the crucible or on mars I'll play anyone also I'm on xbox one I only Have one friend that might join me in the fight against the darkness P.S. I'm a hunter Gt is CutoverBore18 I'm 11
The voices. THE VOICES!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any xbox360 clans or clans that include 360's out there recruiting warlocks?? Lookin for a casual clan as have irregular work times. I'll be honest, I ain't the greatest competitive multiplayer person, but am a total team player when it comes to co-op and love tactical team play! Most clans I see ps4 and xbox one so am starting to think I'm the only person left on last gen :-( !! Would be good to get my bro in the same clan, too!
Will there be any other elements than the ones we saw in the beta (aka ark void solar)
I am very excited for the release!
Anyone know about the ghost edition? Do they have anymore to preorder yet or are they just not gunna make more?