[url=/en/News/News?aid=12054]Bungie Weekly Update - 08/22/2014[/url]
Arrrgggg!!! The suspense is KILLING me!!!! Must. Play. Destiny. NOW!!!
Anyone else using destiny companion app not get sound on any of the YouTube clips? Also the companion app lets you join clans, but not do that Xbox clans part where you add the clan as your clan. It would be nice if they fixed this stuff.
Edited by TeslaDoc: 8/23/2014 2:45:43 PM"September 9th somewhere in the world". So I guess we have to wait for it to be September 9th in the first time zone west of the International Date Line. Edit: spelling
Looking for a clan to join for xbox one! Dont mind mic at all great team player and good with both pvp and pve!
wonder if they addressed the talking or chat issue yet? I really think it needs some sort of place in the game.. I find it difficult to constantly keep starting a party every time i meet someone in the world..and then quitting it when i am done and starting a new one.. its annoying and dont even get me started on the crucible needed chat..
Be nice if we could have a free roam cam with a theater mode for recording video .Instead of just being able to record in FP mode.
If I ordered both the 360 and Xbox One versions of the game, would I be able to enter the code from the Xbox One into the 360 and get the items or are the codes only good for one generation?
343 and chief do ice bucket challenge
For those of you who are underwhelmed by the Warlock Armband. These gauntlets should balance things out a little.
[quote]How we’ll keep things lively on the frontier is a longer conversation – the sort of thing you could base an entire discussion around – a conversation that we hope is long and fruitful and just getting started in its own right.[/quote]Let's start this relevant discussion.
https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/165306/67621071/0/0 Hey guys u should definitely Check our amazing clan The Game Changers. We are built so everyone has a friend to explore Destiny with, and do both pvp nd pve. We accept anyone that loves Destiny as much as us and needs a fireteam. We have an Alliance with Unholy and several other well known clans. We are fun group of guys and a clan to be reckon with! Would be a pleasure to have u with us. Psn Kaot1cuco Also we got a website coming soon! :D
Dude me and my GF WILL BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there a kind person that could copy-paste the update, so that we guardians with weak operating systems, can read it?
Huge Congrats on going gold! Thats one helluva milestone for any developer to hit, let alone with what you guys are making!!!!
Really disappointed that the Xbox One Beta started the same day I went to Ibiza for a week but also kinda happy that I get to experience everything for the 1st time next month! Really exited! The trailers have been great so far, I know its not Halo but I think I was about level 42 on Halo 3 so if anyone wants a 'possibly' good player to PVP with on Xbox One let me know. Gamer Tag is "DOUBLE VODKA"
My fellow guardians let us begin our epic journey on september 9th, add me if you want Scylom
OMG! Bring out the dead. If your an x - box zombie head with nothing better to do than gripe and moan I suggest therapy, take your broken record and play it where someone gives a shit!
I think it would be really sweet if there was one more weapon class. They'd be gold tier weapons called golden age weapons, like when the traveler was still around and everything. Just a thought!
Edited by TeslaDoc: 8/23/2014 4:20:11 AMDESTINY IS GOLD I'm crapping my pants. EDIT: Sorry to all those who posted below me.
Ok wheres this check list or am i blind?
If you pre order limited edition does it get shipped to your house or do we have to go and get it cuz I ordered mine from Target
Hey Deej how about it if they update the game with holding down the d pad for 4 more animations
Edited by Shel2theburne: 8/23/2014 1:53:36 AMClass act Bungie, thank you! My grandfather died a number of years back when I was younger after being diagnosed with ALS. It's been so great since this movement has started going around to bring more awareness! Now my favorite company has taken part, so thank you again! I'll be doing my video tomorrow!
Whats my excitement level..... Omg its OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone looking for someone to play with on XBOX One just add my gt: TSK Sefier I'm always looking for cool people to kill and explore with. Also check out my clan page I'd you wanna join in on a little more organized fun.The One and Only Galactic Pirates www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/167247
That ice bucket challenge was FANTASTIC.