Really disappointed that the Xbox One Beta started the same day I went to Ibiza for a week but also kinda happy that I get to experience everything for the 1st time next month! Really exited! The trailers have been great so far, I know its not Halo but I think I was about level 42 on Halo 3 so if anyone wants a 'possibly' good player to PVP with on Xbox One let me know. Gamer Tag is "DOUBLE VODKA"
Your in for a helluva treat! If the Beta was any indication then this game will stand up to the hype! <fingers crossed>
I'd love to throw down with some Double Vodka. Matter of fact, I'm open to playing with any cool cats on Xbox One. Gamertag: Global Nemesis Hope to see you there!
Added you bro, add me back GT: TStachler
I'd like to add you. I'm a fairly good player at PvP but amazing at PvE. Gt: FromTheBlade
Your GT is smooth! Add me EL HEISENBERGS XBONE
Pleaze. I would drop Destiny like a lead weight if I had the chance to go to Ibiza and get some Amnesia and CREAM!!
Pleaze. I would drop Destiny like a lead weight if I had the chance to go to Ibiza and get some Amnesia and CREAM!!
Dont get me wrong, I loved going Ibiza again! 😃 I think Pacha (F*ck Me I'm Famous) and the Radio1 night at Ushuaia were the best nights... Cheers for the Xbox adds guys