What was your proudest moment from the Beta?
Also; what was the worst/most frustrating thing to happen to you?
I'd love to hear some of your best/worse experiences.
I'd have to say my proudest moment was soloing the Devil's Lair Strike on Hard difficulty, with no deaths.
[i]Flawless Devil's Lair Solo Run: [/i]
[spoiler]Did you know you can shoot off the Devilwalker's missile pod? (The one that launches a salvo of glowing blue missiles)
It makes the fight considerably easier.[/spoiler]
The moment that aggravated me the [i]most[/i] was when I consistently did better than the rest of my team during an Iron Banner event, but was never rewarded any of the Iron Banner Legendaries.
[i]Iron banner Sadness:[/i]
This match in particular shows what I'm talking about, haha. [i](I'm Ethereal Her0)[/i]
Edited by Glitched: 8/24/2014 3:40:30 AMSo I guess you can't Edit a question post if an answer has been selected, so I'm going to make this the answer and feature the post containing the [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=68196873&path=1][i]awesome video I selected as the previous answer.[/i][/url] Also... [b][i][url=http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/78/787590/2601384-dancing+gif.gif]Obligatory 200 comment dance party .gif[/url][/i][/b]
Soloing a nightfall
Edited by SpdyAmunition: 9/8/2014 5:48:36 AMOn the Beta, there was an area past the Forgotten shore filled with level 20hive knights. My friends refused to go into the area, but me, Im stubborn. I decide 'Hey, If I cant kill them, I want to see whats past them.' A couple of tries on my upgraded sparrow got me past the few guarding the path, and I erupt into an area with over twenty level 20 hive knights. A couple more tries (humming star wars music because if evern one shot hits me Im insta-killed. Oh yeah, this was definitely a deathstar run) and I almost get past them too. I see this big sticky lantern looking thing sitting in front of the opening of what looks like a crashed covenant ship from halo (Its wasn't but thats what it looked like. It was purple and everything. Sue me.). 'Ooh, that kind of looks like it belongs in the areas I saw on the moon trailers. Is that what they're guarding?" And then I notice that it has a health bar too. A level 20 Shrieker, the Hive equivalent of the Fallen's Servitors. It blasts me through the next few attemps. And then I get passed it too, doing an accidental but very cool barrel roll in my attems not to get blasted by the Shrieker. Down into the depths I go on my sparrow. The screen tells me that I am now entering the 'grotto'. I emerge in a cavern with three Level 20 wizards and a crap ton of Thralls of the same level. My Sparrow is in flames. No way i'm getting it out of here. I abandon it to use the manuverability of my warlocks glide (cause I chose manueverability in the air over distance. I make a made dash, well, figuratively speaking. I jump and glide like a mad man, Wizards void energy sailing past me and Thralls scrambling to tear at my feat every time I have to land to jump again. I run through the only opening I see, going up. I run up and up, untill I emerge in the area where you must fight while trying to defuse a bomb on the Sepiks Prime Strike mission. I go back to the tunnel I had just run out of (Crazy yes but I was thinking "That can't be it, can it?") and the tunnel was blocked when I tried to go back down. I can't wait to return to the Hive who missed me in Old Russia. And the next time, It wont be a deathstar run. This time, It'll be a bloody massacre.
Taking down the devil walker in a public event with no one around, not sure if its impressive but I thought I was pretty cool :)
Edited by Griff: 9/5/2014 9:55:32 PMSolo Sepiks Prime and the Devil Walker (the other guys were AFK....) I guess is my best. Edit: Worst/frustrating thing? Running out of friggin ammo and relying on throwing knives and grenades to kill the other enemies just to get bullets.
Worse thing was running into the enemies with ????? For names and not being able to hurt em lol Best thing was a melee kill in PVP
Playing it for two hours before leaving for a road trip at 9:00AM. That's the only time I actually got to play it and waking up at 6:00 was an achievement in itself.
also solo devil's lair on hard. did die once. did however make it through the grotto and refinery without dying which was kinda disappointing that the higher level enemies where not quicker. but most my worst and most frustrating thing to happen is when the beta ended and everyday since.
Being that guy that buys ships all the time. It's dafe to say I bout about half of the expensive ones and still had about 10 grand of Glimmer left over LOL But my best moment was taking out about five guardians at once in the crucible with my Hulk Smash!!
Exploring the epic dungeon known as hellmouth.
Definitely in the Crucible when me and two other teammates were all riding the pikes and just plowed through the entire map. (poor trapped soul behind a tiny wall getting blasted from 3 different sides)
My Beta achievement was being the first Guardian to ever commit suicide by jumping into the Hellmouth
19 round scout rifle with 72 damage.
My favorite beta moment was exploring the hive on the moon for exclusively 2 hours the moon was open with 2 other friends and defeating the ogre.
Entering the giant whole on the moon and killing that giant ogre. And all his friends
The game finish downloading and installing
My proudest was when I did the bounty on the crucible, unstoppable or something like that it took me forever I didn't even know what to do xD
Being able to just hang with friends
I did the same thing where I played house of devils alone on hard but found out that enemies get easier if there are two guys in the lobby instead of three. But anyway my proudest moment was when I went on a 13 killing streak in the crucible Venus map with no deaths and earned mark of the unbroken.
Proudest was probably using my fist to destroy the Devil Walker [spoiler]One could say I fisted it, since my Titan has a stripper dance[/spoiler] My least proud was when I switched to the 360 version to play with some friends, I was standing in front of his flaming sparrow, I punched it, it jetted forward and knocked me off a cliff. I then died out of bounds. [spoiler]You could say it rammed my character harder than she was expecting[/spoiler] [spoiler]Bow Chicka Honk Honk[/spoiler]
Getting to and exploring the Seraphim Vault.
After losing so many crucible battles, I finally got first out of BOTH teams, and got a gun, and some rad armor
Soloing a public event although I didn't complete it on the last day too it was in the place where in the opening of the game the you see that big ship warp jump in
My proudest moment was when I got Plan C.
My biggest achievement was play more than 50+ hours longest I have ever played a beta.