Maybe u should edit your post change Meth to a bad addiction
Its like that Walter White "Hisenberg" stuff!! *I say this with the assumed understanding drugs of that nature are an extremely horrible, life threatening addiction." Get the humor.....
I don't do drugs I was making a metaphor of addictiveness. In fact I'm completely opposed to drugs. Hear that kids don't do drugs.
[quote]I don't do drugs I was making a metaphor of addictiveness. In fact I'm completely opposed to drugs. Hear that kids don't do drugs.[/quote] But daddy I love the green I'm going to be so f ing high while playing that my mind will orgasm with joy puke
No, the updates don't dissolve your brain cells, eat away your teeth, and increase your chance of suicide significantly. The updates are a nice way to get your fix. But video game addiction is nothing compared to meth use. And no I'm not angry or anything. I understand you were "just saying." But I've seen that drug hurt more people than weed, alcohol, and nicotine combined.
i've never done meth...dude, say no to drugs
I just got my fix but... IM TWEAKIN 0.0
Lmao ikr?