I hope I understood it right and it goes live trough localized servers, so I don't have to wait until 2am to play
I don't get it I'm on the east coast? I have to wait either way he's throwing a tantrum ~.~
I was actually very confused about when servers go live, but it seems like, to my understanding, as soon as the first time zone turns 9/9 servers will go live, which means that as soon as you have your physical copy of the game you'll be able to play. And you're too good, waiting for him like that, I would not be able to, haha
He will get supper bitchy and has already refused to play the game with me ~.~ Thank you for the clarification!! It makes more sense now.
Oh geeze, I used to be like that, a long long time ago, maybe he'll grow out of it, but best of luck. What system will y'all be playing on?
Xbox one ^.^ I will be curled in a ball for three and a half hours watching the Destiny starting screen.
Well damn, I'm on ps4. Take a nap during those 3 hours so you can pull an all nighter with destiny. Hope you both enjoy the game on the xbone, those timed exclusives will be yours before you realize it
He said the servers won't be breaking street date. You can get the game on 9/5 but won't even be able to play until the servers open up at 12 AM wherever you live.