Retailers will release it at 1200am in your respective time zones. But NZ kicks off the launch because they're 17hrs ahead.
So get a copy of the game 17hrs early.. 0700 on the 8 th... And you can play no matter where you are lol
Actually I think you're right, he said "the servers won't know the difference between the [i]timezones[/i] but [i]surely[/i] that isn't what you say right? What's the point in that? That means people who get the game 17 hours ahead (by any means) can play immediately. But he then says the servers won't be fooled by any release before the 9th. SO, the way I think it works is [i]if you have the game, as soon as it hits 12:00am/midnight where you are, you get to play.[/i] Meaning that NZ technically has a 17 hour head start... [spoiler]:D[/spoiler]
No, what he was saying is that the servers don't differentiate between timezones. Retailers will break (start selling copies) street date (on midnight 9/9 locally), but the servers wont (because as soon as it's september 9th anywhere in the world (new zealand), the servers will be turned on)