I don't think ANYONE understands that this "exclusive" content is "Exclusive" up until fall of 2015. When fall of 2015 comes Xbox users (like myself) are going to have access to this content. It's really not a big deal. Yeah ps users will have some content we won't have access to for a little while. Doesn't matter, we wont play them, we won't see them. Just be happy we are all able to play this wonderful game :)
BTW add me a live. I don't have many friends who will be getting Destiny :( lol GT: Cray Z Jay 117
360 or 1
Both. I'll be on the one more but me and my gf have 2 360s in the house so I can play with her as well.
Same here but wife wont play. GT is BirdDog18. Il be on the 360 at midnight central time
I'll add you, I'll be on midnight eastern time.
That puts it 11 pm here. So by the time I get it and on it'll be 1 or 2 am ur time.
Im strictly 360
K and yeah I do understand that we will get it in Fall 2015 but feel like by then the fear won't be nearly as good as what our guardian already has
well then great we'll have better gear. So if you are not going to use that gear then what the big issue?