I wont be playing till 4:00 pm tuesday cuz i have to go to school. :(
Edited by GodOfKings0: 8/25/2014 4:39:24 AMI won't be playing till 7-9 pm :and wait for it to download so I might not even get to play it at all
I probably can't play till then either cause I got school also but well see.
First year of college so probably won't be able to play till the weekend. Balls
Band practice all week and game night on Friday. Any other band geeks there with me?
Band geeks rule! i'm a percussionist what do you play? also be sure rock your way to becoming legend when you get to play
Baritone here. Luckily have teusdays off from rehearsal
I'll try too go oy the midnight opening, but I proboly won't play that night
U can get the game midnight bit will have to wait 2 or 3 hours for the servers to open.
FYI- if it is midnight in your time zone, the servers will be open and you can play. Confirmed from deej directly.
Plus I have to wait for it to install
Me too...
What's your gamertag?
Xbox One?
Knowing my parents I'll probably have to do my homework before I play.
Those are good parents!!
Same but once u get it done they won't have a excuse for u to get off
Me either
I can play as soon as my mom picks it up for me at 1:00 PST
Sending ur mom to get ur game for u at 1am? Dude first of all that makes me think ur 5 n probably shudnt be playing the game, secondly, I hope she has pepper spray or som n doesn't get tackled n gangbanged n probably robbed for ur game, then ul be scarred by the word "destiny" for the rest of ur life
I'm 15 and she is picking it up at aroung 1:00 PM PST