Hahahajaha. Ohhhhhhh that's what he "meant".
Glad you talked with him.
Yeah that makes more sense for New Zealand and Australian and England gamers that they will be able to "make a character and then hang out until servers open " ......yep just hangout waiting 9-15 or more hours. Sure .....right .....yeah..... Ummmmm can't wait to see that happen and the rage.
Guess YOU will find out sept 9 if you see New Zealand , Australian and England gamers on twitch playing Destiny before you. Or you could just ask Deej since you know him.
Also, you're quite the dumbass, assuming that I claim to know someone just by interpreting a couple sentences of a post.
Yes I am a "dumbass" because I go on the forums and interpret the things Deej says for him. I read Deej's post: [quote]When it is September 9th somewhere in the world, and you have access to your very own version of Destiny, it will be time for you to create a character that will keep you company for a good, long time. Retailers will stick to time-zones. Our servers won’t know the difference. Retailers will break street date. Our servers won’t.[/quote] Then I go the Internet and say: [quote]Here's what he meant: Servers activate midnight Pacific Standard time. Stores open midnight local time, so you'll have to make your guardian and hang out with it offline while waiting for the servers to go up, since the servers don't k now the time differences between locations. It's told to activate at 12:00 am pacific, and it will do just that [/quote] [b]"HERES WHAT HE MEANT"[/b] because YOU KNOW WHAT HE MEANT Please tell us all HOW YOU KNOW WHAT Deej MEANT ?? LMAO
Hey, it doesn't affect me at all. I just don't wanna get your hopes up, only to have them crushed. I'm going to sleep that night and pick it up in the morning myself, so who ends up picking it up first really isn't important. May the Traveler's light shine in your temporal favor.