I believe that Bungie should include like the ability to kill other people especially if they want it like a mode or setting that allows other people to kill each other. Ik that's what the crucible is for but I just thought of that as an idea. I feel like they should also have the sparrows have some sort of weaponry nothing heavy but something light like mini plasma cannons. Just ideas. I still think the game will be great even without those additions though they're just like I said ideas
Pfft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiEyQPYiA8o Sparrows are just fine without weaponry.
If they allowed killing outside of crucible then the game would quickly turn to gta online. Plus if the pikes had guns, no one would get off!
Pikes do have guns. Sparrows don't.
Good point. But just ideas want to hear other peoples opinion on it so I appreciate the comment
It's just my view haha. Don't think I'm bashing your ideas or anything!
Oh no i don't think that I actually want to know your opinion because I was having doubts like that in my mind too