Your pet loves you because it is trained to love you... A human might have a real family to support or other important stuff...[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Ummm i did not train my pet to love me. There is a difference between obedience and love. Just because a dog listens to you does not mean it loves you. Go get an abused dog from a pound and see how long it takes you to earn its trust and love. As i said before, i would save my dog over a random person. They are family to me. I will always choose my family. I dont particularly see any one species as being more important than another.
You feed it. It's conditioned to love you. Nothing more.
Your parents fed you. Are you condition to love them? Some people love their parents, others do not. Its not any different.
A dog does not have the same potential as a human.
Lol depends on the person. Not all have potential.