How much sleep do you usually get per night?
5-6 weekdays 6-9 on weekends
Well back when I was a teen over 9 but now 7-8 I am happy
Never enough. That's for sure...
10:30pm - 6:30am on weekdays. 1:00am or 2:00am - 10:30am on weekends.
At the moment, probably a bit over 8 hours, however that'll probably change when I go back to school.
6.5 on weekdays and a little more on weekends
During the night, very little. It's a problem.
Why is there under 9 hours and over 4 hours?
Four hours if I'm lucky. Usually I'll sleep for only 2 or 3 hrs
I usually sleep for maybe like 7 or 8 hours. I tend to go (try) to sleep around 10 and have to wake up at 6... At least for weekdays.
I have no idea how people live on 6-7 hours. I always get 8-9 or else I'm dead.
6-7 hours. I try to sleep around 9p PST but my computer keeps me up for at least an hour. 10p-5a is my beauty sleep period.
Less than I'd like due to an apparently solar powered 2 year old child.
I think i have switched my sleep schedule. Im up at nights and sleep the day...
That bell shaped curve...
Around 5-6 because of work and school
Usually around 8-9.
Usually 11-7.
Fall asleep around 2-3 AM. Wake up around at 9 AM. So about 6 or 7.
Where's the "Not Enough" option???
About 5-6 hours. Give or take. Normally take. I don't get enough sleep...
Edited by Failure4Life: 8/24/2014 10:41:45 AMNormal day is 12:00 AM - 5:30AM. It sucks. I'm tired during the day until like 5PM then I become extremely energetic until 11PM. I hate my sleep schedule. If I take a nap for say an hour I'll stay hyper for an additional 2, effectively screwing me even more.
More than 9.