Bet all of those XBone users who've been having a moan at the PS4 exclusives are rubbing their hands at the rumours that PSN has been DDoS'ed. If the service is down for weeks again like in 2011, they'll all be getting an unplanned exclusive of their own.
I'm a Xbox gamer but it doesn't bother me. After a while we will all get the same stuff. The only thing I'm jealous about really is the strike mission.
The wait could be a bother for some ppl but I think u guys still get the same content a few months down the line correct me if I wrong play station just get the content first!
[quote]The wait could be a bother for some ppl but I think u guys still get the same content a few months down the line correct me if I wrong play station just get the content first![/quote] Yeah I think we get the same stuff next fall. I understand it though. Sony paid more. Without Sony's donations then bungie may not have been able to make destiny as good as it can be.
We do
The playstation 4 has already bee hacked before. PSN was threatening to arrest the guy who did it.
Yeah it's been rumoured that the PSN has been hacked. DDoS is essentially a way of jamming, slowing or crashing the service to stop others from using it. Hopefully that's as bad a sit gets and no info has been stolen like back in 2011 when PSN had to be taken offline for weeks.
I'm fine with playstation exclusives. First, it is timed, so we'll get it next year in fall 2015. Plus, bungie owes it to you guys if you were disappointed about halo. I'm just glad it's not a full exclusive to playstation, because that Would make me cry-hurt
Yea, what's that
denial-of-service (DoS) or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. Thanks Wikapaedia... you guys need to learn to google before you ask a question of what something means :)