This is a representative of the dark side, all soldiers, comment that ps4 is the way THE ONLY WAY of gaming, if u haven't already joined our ranks, come into the dark, we have Vader, frieza, and cookies and of course, the blackest system out there
but ain't nobody darker than Microsoft and Bill Gates illuminati sacrificing babies project MK Ultra satanist NWO cultists and that's why I play on the x1
Well u sir, have come to the wrong neighborhood, we gon squad up
Lmao good one
I'll give you credit on this original post ... You should be flattered when ppl bite your style
He just mad that some one called me genius lmao live life bro.
utter genius lol I got a kick out of it ... You can copy & paste any of my comments id be honored
Lol idnk man I am just a gamer and people do not like my psn in cod cuz I kill teams with my sniper no QS for me.
glad to have you as a guardian my friend
You too my friend add me code_zero172
when I pick up the ps4 later this year you'll be the first person I add ... I'm gonna tattoo your psn id on my heart until then