Dual wield or not to Dual wield? Personally I would lean towards no Dual wielding, although dual hand canons would be fun. I am interested in what people think?
Since playing [i]Wolfenstein: The New Order[/i] I've lost all hope that one day dual-wielding will work. Granted that game made it look good, but it was so impractical that it made it worthless and did little more than drain ammo. In Halo it was fairly fun.... once, but after a short while it didn't take me long to realise that taking the time to aim was far more efficient even if there was a serious reduction of power. Dual hand-cannons would look awesome, don't get me wrong, but would they work? They're already powerful as is, so having two at point blank would in my opinion be far too powerful. Because of their range and accuracy they're far better suited for shorter ranges, so it'd be an instant kill weapon at the appropriate range and absolutely useless a few yards past that. I doubt Destiny can make good use of dual-wielding. Maybe the enemies can if they had more interesting weapons, but I reckon most of the time dual-wielding will go forgotten and likely misunderstood.