So I just learnt that in addition to Bungie restricting three full sets of armour, two weapons, three vehicles, an entire multiplayer map and an entire -blam!-ing mission (in which Destiny is in desperate need of) to a single platform, they are also locking away exclusive content in the DLC as well... this is just ridiculous and unacceptable! So, let me get this straight, if you're not playing on Playstation, not only will you not get the entirety of the game after paying full price, you won't even get the entirety of the DLC after paying full price for it either? Any chance of me purchasing Destiny has quickly evaporated.
The more I learn about Destiny, the less I care about it, and the more I learn to despise Bungie. Every single Weekly Update--including this one--is filled with damage control and/ or Deej--or Urk--trying to spin some bullshit on the 7C due to lack of features in Destiny, or to circumvent disappointment. Bungie is now very insidious, which is a far cry from what I would have said about them during the Halo era. I mean, come on, I know that you guys are gonna give me hate (again), but do you honestly not see how bullshit some of this stuff is? Hell, I'm even talking to Playstation fans, while you guys aren't being negatively affected by this as much as Xbox fans are, can you not see that some of the promises are quickly starting to form into blatant lies?
Some of you are going to pass this off as trolling because of how vocal I am about my disappointment, but I really am finding it hard to believe that I am the only one who can see this...
To everyone who is calling me an Xbot, bashing the Xbox One, telling me that I don't like Destiny because I suck at it, or are just hurling tactless insults, congratulations in being a shining example of what I have to look forward to if I ever do decide to play Destiny. The 7C is now a festering cesspit. The original members who operate under the bounds of logic and reason are in the decline or are just overshadowed by the incredible number of idiots; for every reasonable comment--in which I respect greatly--there are two moronic ones.
If you're reading this and are one of the members of the community who had a reasonable discussion with me, I thank you. You give me hope that the 7C and gaming as a whole aren't doomed.
Edit: I will not be replying from here on out. My endeavour to voice my concerns and outrage was successful from the moment that I clicked 'post'. I have no intentions of arguing with anyone in the comments section below.
Which promises are now lies? I am also not sure which features you were expecting that are not there. It seems like you are judging the game based on what is not there as opposed to what is there. It is sort of like complaining that the Sports car you get sucks because the other guy's sports car has a better sound system or sports brakes.
Man, your last comment about being worried about destiny was serious, calm, and made sense. This one is a little more outraged (which you an I have a right to be) but it DOSENT help anyone to have a comment like that, you get more hate, others get angry, and nobody is happy. If you are going to post a controversial comment you might want to write is calmly
NERD RAGE! (commentary VoiceOver)
Just shut up! No1 needs ur hateful comments here
Edited by Capt Explodabob: 8/25/2014 7:42:58 PMIf your perception of my post was hateful, then I apologise, but the fact that your reply to me was to just, "shut up", makes it a hollow apology. I have some legitimate concerns with this game. I'm not trolling and I'm not flinging hate-filled insults at anyone - I'm just venting my frustration with what I consider to be unacceptable. Now, if you can suggest to me a more suitable forum other than the very site of the owners of the game to voice my opinions on said game, then I suggest you share it with me.
What happened to the fact of no replys, dickbeater?
Edited by Capt Explodabob: 8/26/2014 6:44:53 AMI posted that after the initial wave of comments in which my edit was created afterwards. This will be the second comment in which I go against my edit (I replied to a moronic Sony fanboy two minutes ago). Any reply you see that is more than three hours older than this one was created during the initial wave of comments. I really suggest that you know what you're talking about in future, lest you want to look like a -blam!-wit -- sorry, complete and utter moron. Oh, and once again, "dickbeater", another shining example of the toxic Destiny community.
Look ass clown, we don't need you, Bungie clearly doesn't need you and to top it off no one cares about your lengthy comments. Another shining example of your pussy grade level.
Edited by Capt Explodabob: 8/26/2014 7:15:12 AMBy that logic, they don't need you either, and by that logic, they don't need the next person, or the next person, or the next person, or the next person, until it comes down to the few hundred thousand who they do need to break even. What Bungie and Destiny truly don't need are moronic fanboys, like yourself, who ignore all facts and blow smoke up their arses, ensuring that the game won't release in it's best possible state... or maybe they do need that, I don't know -- maybe they intended for a bunch of mindless zombies to purchase Destiny. The fact that you are incapable of replying to me without adding some childish--I can't even call them insults they're that ridiculous--terminology is indicative of how right you know I am, and how far the 7C has fallen. If I'm only ever to disagree with you and your views, then life will be a success. Anybody as stupid as you can't have anything worthwhile to say. Just to top it off, your entire comment is hyperbole anyway. Quite a few people are agreeing with me in regards to this topic. It seems that the only people who fully disagree with me are idiots like you who can come up with nothing better than a childish insult like, "ass clown", to counter--or attempt to counter--my argument.
Edited by Rory Mercury IX: 8/26/2014 9:36:46 AMlook, marty dose his homework and is just trying to have open dialog about a problem, but were all going to play on the ninth as we have faith in bungie still. Or ill fire a rainbow up your ass from space.
Edited by Basshead878: 8/27/2014 2:12:35 AMNope the main ppl that agree with you are the Xbox players who cry that they can't get the extra content. And while your ignorance may assume I am stupid, I am actually quite bright. I call you names for the full enjoyment of watching you cry back and go against your edited post. I keep you going you see. And while my claims claim I'm a pure douche bag asshole, idc as you see at the end of the day I'll be playing something I enjoy and go to bed with my beautiful wife and may get lucky at the same time. Bungie may go down hill with the xbox community but us ps lovers will support them fully. So you see sir, I will continue to make fun of you, I will continue to aggravate you and I will continue to respond to your lengthy posts even when the game is in full gear. I'm not afraid to stand up for what I think is to be one of the best FPSs I've ever played (I've played halo but never owned it so I can't make full judgement on that). Continue as you will to bitch and complain and drop your verbal language on me cuz in all honesty I can take it, you however cannot as you keep coming back for more.
You're married and you compose comments like that? Your implication is that you're mature, but what you write says otherwise. Funny how you can claim that I'm a troll while you just said you were trolling me... is this really how you're going to defend the game you love so much? It's cute that you think your comments are making me mad when in reality they're making me sad. How can the largest hivemind in the world, the Internet, the one thing that represents Humanity as a whole, be filled with idiots like you? I'm sorry that I posted another long comment (I know you don't like reading), but now I've said all that can be said. I'm done. You'll have to talk to somebody else about -blam!-ing your right ha--I mean, wife...
Edited by Basshead878: 8/27/2014 10:26:26 PMHere's a tissue, I got it after wiping my ass with your shit comments. And I'm clearly not mature, infact I'm a kid at heart. And I'm a veteran so that's why I can take your poorly made comments. While you man consider me as an idiot for ONLY trolling you, it's cuz trolls deserved to be trolled back. Let's face it, video games, trolling and shemales are the only way you truly get off. It's ok as we now know what you do with your right hand. BLAM haha blam blam blam.
Seriously bud go preach about world hunger or homelessness or something no one cares if you think this is unacceptable jesus christ get over yourself already.
Edited by morpheus_neo: 8/25/2014 6:51:23 PMThe exclusive content is small compared to the total scope of the game. In 2015, when Xbox gets all of the exclusive stuff, it will be like receiving some dlc stuff. It's really not that big of a deal...realistically it's some entry level gear that will be dwarfed by the exotic gear you'll find.
The gear - I'm fine with. What gets me is the whole PvP map and entire mission part, coupled with the fact that there is more to come (or lack there of) once the DLC is out.
Its timed exclusive and you're really upset over 1 pvp map. Or a couple of missions. C'mon man. That's a quite small amount of extra timed content. And don't go of on another Sony fanboy rant. I'm an Xbox One player. I'm just able to accept things I find disappointing, and move on. And don't feed the trolls. Don't start complaining /arguing with someone, and then get upset by it. Seriously, this is a community site for a video game. Its not like we are fighting terrorism or something. Just chill out. Destiny is 2 weeks away. It will be ok
T_T your tears bring me happiness
Edited by Rory Mercury IX: 8/25/2014 7:08:22 PMi agree, the gear made sense, but the maps and missions?? dose that mean xbox get's it's own maps/missions?? or just the shaft?
Edited by Capt Explodabob: 8/25/2014 7:17:35 PMI don't want to sound cynical, but the only way to say it is in a cynical tone because that's just how shitty it is. Xbox gets no exclusive content, only content taken away from it's version of the game. Oh, and once again, pretty -blam!-ing funny clip.
But its TIMED. Eventually Xbox will get access to it. Sony gave Activision a crap ton of money in return for time exclusives. Sony did this to help sell PS4s. If someone offered you a bunch of money for something that ultimately helps them sell a product then you'd be a fool not to accept it. The dlc that Xbox is getting isn't void of story missions or strikes, PS players just get a few more. Its just business and I'll say it again, if you are that bothered by it, don't buy Destiny.
[quote]Its just business[/quote] You know when anyone says this, something evil is going on XD
Ever since there were more than just one family on this planet, there has been some form of economy/business. Sadly greed and the pursuit of wealth are some of biggest drivers behind innovation. Its part of all of our lives. But its also lead us from Atari to the PS4 and XB1. So its not all bad. This time 2 weeks from now I'll be on my 19.5 hour straight of Destiny launch extravaganza! Good hunting Guardians!!!
19.5? Why not 24.5???? :D
Well because if I get my game with little to no hassle around 12 midnight and it takes roughly an hr to an 1.5 hours for install. Then at the time I posted that comment would have been roughly 2 weeks and 19.5 hours after.