Paid vacation is not skipping work. It's time off earned from work. Just cause it coincides with the release of this game is kind of irrelevant. I worked for my PAID VACATION. I'm not skipping work to play a game.
You tell em I agree.
I'm fine with using vacation days, but there are people talking like they plan on just playing hookie. It is just stupid to me. If you have spre time, I have no problems with it
People will always do whatever they want regardless of work/school. That is there own lack of responsibility. But there are also plenty of hard working adults that can do the responsible things in life and earn the video game escape. I myself can shake my head and say that it's a shame to those just skipping school or calling out of work for it But I'll never post a comment on it cause if it ain't you, who cares. Live life how you want if no harm is done. They call it free will for a reason